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О Xiribita

  • День рождения 06/29/1988


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Xiribita's Achievements

  1. Xiribita

    [Screenshots contest] Show the drive!

    Char : Xiribeat https://imgur.com/Xho6wCQ https://imgur.com/pCr0eRk
  2. Xiribita

    PR-event [Task №5: Ask]

    Questions for those who already played on L2E-Global: What are your best memories of L2E-Global? Great PvPs on Interlude 25x What is your game account (login)? JNZxiribita How long did it been since your very first L2E-Global experience? 2 years i think When did you 1st time heard about L2E-Global? 2 years ago
  3. Xiribita

    PR-event [Task №5: Ask]

    Questions for those who already played on L2E-Global: What are your best memories of L2E-Global? Great PvPs on Interlude 25x What is your game account (login)? IBAxiribita How long did it been since your very first L2E-Global experience? 2 years i think When did you 1st time heard about L2E-Global? 2 years ago
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