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О Kursed

  • День рождения 04/09/1981


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Kursed's Achievements

  1. Kursed

    Weekend fighters

    Is this clan still here and recruiting I tried to pm in game but the character was in an offline shop.
  2. TH lvl 52 looking for english speaking cp or clan. Leave ingame name here or pm Kursed ingame.
  3. update Th lvl 50 Pp lvl 51 Se lvl 50 Sh lvl 50 crafter lvl 43 spoiler lvl 43
  4. Hello, my ingame name is Kursed and I am looking for an international clan. Nothing too serious, but it's not fun playing alone/solo. My main is a Treasure Hunter, but i'd be willing to reroll to a needed support class like a bd if help is provided. Currently, I am only lvl 48 on my th because I had to make box characters (pp se crafter and spoiler). Anyways, if you are looking to recruit an International or English speaking player, please consider me. I play roughly 4-6 hours a day depending on the day of the week. You can find me ingame just pm these names or leave your ingame name so I can find you. Dorkboy or Kursed! Thanks for your consideration!
  5. A player shouldn't be getting stuck on other players in shop form or just standing. This is an annoying bug, in retail you could run through shops no problem!
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