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  1. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию MattPwnYa в About Cancel   
    Its not normal that mages remove 7 buffs with cancel, reuse time is few seconds, cast is instant....
    If you get 2 cancels, you got 3-4 buffs left...
    That ruins pvp imo
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию ShiNu в Cancel rate!!!   
    Please at least make arcane protection working. There is no balance in this server atm since cancel is superfast and takes out 5 buffs 100 %.
    This server rocks! Balancing the op cancel will make it the best server ever!
  3. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию Baltas в Cancel rate!!!   
    I agree with you guys , sps cancel is damn insane its like 40 % of server running just sps... anywhere you go you get just cancels 100 % clearing buffs , its shoudnt be this way.
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию Farq в Cancel rate!!!   
    Hi, i think cancel rate is to high ... 100% =5buff , can we do insted off 5 buff out 100% to 1-3 randomly? then maybe we will see more class then sps/sork ... or this gona be like ketrawars... sps op = nobady play
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию mianbo в DISGUSTING CRAFT RATE   
    4x db craft failed, 2x am echants failed ( am from donate ) from 3 to 4 - i am done xD
    guys i am bad at math but 4 x 60% its 4 x 60/100 = 0 ???
    or 4 x 60/100 x 1/100(donations changes craft rates)
  6. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию Pontifex1 в SERVER WILL F**KING DIE!!!!!!!!!!1   
    welcome to L2 global :D gracia final died because of the same reason ... Gms made events for donators mainly
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию mianbo в SERVER WILL F**KING DIE!!!!!!!!!!1   
    time to say BB. S grades for donations.
    Thanks for ...... 40ppls leaving the server from my team
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию eurodollar в SERVER WILL F**KING DIE!!!!!!!!!!1   
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию Farq в Craft %   
    This serwer worst ewer ... i craft 4x tallum glowe , 2x am , and tts parts ... guess how meny i create! fu**ing zero!!! all failed.... GG this serwer just for donate or what? what is the real chance off craft tell me plz
  10. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию qqspot в Craft Rate Success 20% max   
    1/6 AM
    ...not brave enough to type Armors/TTs fails....
    We are not stupid please make the rate normal , more and more players are leaving .
  11. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию SyjON в Exception buffs in BlockBuff   
    Hello guys, I want to present all of you an amazing idea. I think that u won’t find any flaws in it and u will support and enjoy this brilliant idea. If you have any suggestions or improvements concerning this very idea feel free to post your thoughts.
    The thing is I believe that all of you find an anti-buff lacking. What about making and antibuff custom. What I mean by this is that we are able to choose which skills will went through the antibuff and which are not. For example, If an Ol will give acu emp and u have antibuff on, u won’t get it. But what if u have custom antibuff and u can make an exception list, so that u can get acu emp even though u have your antibuff on? Truly amazing right? It was like this on nana or other Russian server. Looking for your opinions and remarks.
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию naJIa4 в Спойл   
    ну там стопка 10 кликов 10 фейлов xDDD
  13. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию Aquamarin в CHANGE DANCES DURATION TIME   
    Unfortunately, it doesn't correspond to the specificity of the low rate server.
  14. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию Aquamarin в Please do not restart the server all the time...   
    Everyday restarts are needed to prevent the appearance of critical errors because of big online. Also every day different fixes are made. Please, be patient. It is a necessary measure to make server better.
  15. Like
    Prince2 получил репутацию от sniboo в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    awesome start, AWESOME.... maybe try next day open server for all not for some people? i think you need make new grand open, because some people will leave server after that GRAND OPENING...
  16. Like
    Prince2 получил репутацию от Karoleva в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    awesome start, AWESOME.... maybe try next day open server for all not for some people? i think you need make new grand open, because some people will leave server after that GRAND OPENING...
  17. Like
    Prince2 получил репутацию от TouL1 в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    awesome start, AWESOME.... maybe try next day open server for all not for some people? i think you need make new grand open, because some people will leave server after that GRAND OPENING...
  18. Like
    Prince2 изменил репутацию TouL1 в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    How the fak can an offline server have this fat guy online?
    Dont interestimate our IQ
    +the irony when you re-write the accidentaly wrong word "vipe"
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    Prince2 изменил репутацию Tsikli в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    You msut Wipe ..some of them are 15-20 lvl..Its your fault that server has problem..even if online ..if this situation remain and these ppl stay 15-20 lvl i leave..MAKE REOPEN AT 22:00 OR 23:00 ...WTF EVERYTHING IS PROBLEMATIC/UNFAIR AND UNBALANCE..I CAN IMAGINE THE FUTURE
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