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О NintyMinty

  • День рождения 07/21/1991


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  1. NintyMinty

    This shouldnt be allowed

    First of all you should learn english before engaging in a conversation with another english speaking person. Second of all i really dont care about those "best spots" for the shop as i sell everything i need in the back, its just a visual cancer to see most of the shops selling basically nothing in giran. EDIT: This was just a suggestion for the server administration and not a complaint, so i actually have no idea why do you even bother to come and reply here
  2. NintyMinty

    This shouldnt be allowed

    Im not saying you should ban them or anything, what im saying you should take some sort of action like have someone move those or something...
  3. This type of stores should NOT be allowed, Giran is full of this kind of shops and i find it very disturbing and im pretty sure im not the only one. I get that you dont want to lose your precious spot for your store, but people are leaving these shops for many hours, if you dont wanna lose the store location care for it and restock it dont leave some shit selling for 100kk so you can restock it after 10 hours of using the spot for nothing. EDIT: you can see from my screenshot that from 10 stores i captured in the image at least 5 of them are like this, this is stupid and must be stopped.
  4. NintyMinty

    Can someone translate this ?

    really you take the time to reply with "lol" but u wont tell me what it means ? EDIT: nvm he messaged me what it means :D
  5. So i found some guy botting but i didnt manage to make any ss or record him cause he was near the computer and freaked out as soon as i walked near him, i still managed to scare him away by saying that i have recorded and im sending the recordings to the gm and this is what he told me before disconnecting and im wondering what that means.
  6. Hello, my name is Alex and i am 24 years old. Im looking to join an english speaking clan. For more information pm me here or ig "NintyMinty
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