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О Churelkata

  • День рождения 06/03/1994


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  1. Churelkata

    def not about the money

    admin u just stop please fack up the server so early , i think server will be alive for 6-7 monther it is 7x OFC , but u just make donates that cant be keep server alive ,its 7x not 50x B grade for money ,this is real sh1ts . JUST STOP BE hungry for money please . I expected that u will make donates for 3rd class , for varka allyance , for Agrade maybe ... I expect all from you guys TO MAKE MONEY !!! .. THINK ABOUT PEOPLE IN U SERVER ITS 5000 online ,who LOVE HARCORE GAME !! not PAY TO WIN SHITS ! ITS SHAME FOR YOU
  2. Churelkata

    def not about the money

    its bullsh1ts . this is 7x server and donate for B !... wtf is this mid rate server or hardcore ... wtf is this shits
  3. Churelkata

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    This is faking imposible , just make improve we are botters WTF its a lot of hours in farm and u take us in jail and then u say each give me 3 euro to make u free .. wtf is this system for money .. !! I can donate to make my game easy and funny but i cant donate for no reason in jail to make me free , and u said u are botters that is ! Blackmailer !!!
  4. Churelkata

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    we was jailed for botting for no reaseon ... nice and now i need to pay 3 euro .. just blackmailer
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