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Изменения репутации

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    Yoshiro получил репутацию от TheDominator в Plains of Lizardmen (CBP 24/7 BOT)   
    Location: Plains of Lizardmen
    Character names: DaLandoVam, GoldenJR
    Action: Spoiling CBP 24/7
  2. Like
    Yoshiro получил репутацию от wee в Entelechy (International Clan)   
    Hello fellow friends, due to the inactivity of our current leader, I took the leadership and I am looking to revive our clan. We will have a few new rules from now on, which you will be explained to you at the moment you join our clan.
    We are looking for team-play and loyal players which are willing to stay tight even in hard times.
    Our requirements are:
    Play time: No minimum/maximum play time required.
    Play style: We use the old L2 Clan style.However, we allow CP's if they are willing to join.
    Nationality: We accept players of any nationality, but ONLY ENGLISH is allowed in clan chat.
    Class requirements: Any classes are welcome.
    Level requirements: 50+
    What you should know about us:
    Clan leader: Kisarazu
    Clan level:7
    Clan Hall: Goddard.
    Clan Skills: ALL Available for our current clan level.
    Clan Wars: We have NO WARS (yet).
    Alliance: No alliance (yet)
    Each Sunday we will dismiss anyone who has not been active in the past few days without sending a notice to the clan leader.
    If you want to join us:
    "Kisarazu - ingame
    totev_erep - skype
    You can send me a message at forum.
    Regards, Kisarazu.
  3. Like
    Yoshiro получил репутацию от TheDominator в Entelechy (International Clan)   
    Hello fellow friends, due to the inactivity of our current leader, I took the leadership and I am looking to revive our clan. We will have a few new rules from now on, which you will be explained to you at the moment you join our clan.
    We are looking for team-play and loyal players which are willing to stay tight even in hard times.
    Our requirements are:
    Play time: No minimum/maximum play time required.
    Play style: We use the old L2 Clan style.However, we allow CP's if they are willing to join.
    Nationality: We accept players of any nationality, but ONLY ENGLISH is allowed in clan chat.
    Class requirements: Any classes are welcome.
    Level requirements: 50+
    What you should know about us:
    Clan leader: Kisarazu
    Clan level:7
    Clan Hall: Goddard.
    Clan Skills: ALL Available for our current clan level.
    Clan Wars: We have NO WARS (yet).
    Alliance: No alliance (yet)
    Each Sunday we will dismiss anyone who has not been active in the past few days without sending a notice to the clan leader.
    If you want to join us:
    "Kisarazu - ingame
    totev_erep - skype
    You can send me a message at forum.
    Regards, Kisarazu.
  4. Like
    Yoshiro получил репутацию от Sloy в Plains of Lizardman (CBP 24/7 bot) Part 2   
    I am in a very interesting situation, would really like to know what is going on.
    I report FOUR bots. Admin tells me they are banned and I will receive a reward.
    Here comes the interesting part:
    I report four characters. OVEPOA, doica, fredi, akepas.

    Admins tell me - CHARACTERS WERE BANNED. He answers me at 22:35. Photo is made at 22:59.

    But guess what happens? I see this guy rolling here again with his bot at Plains of Lizardmen.
    So, Administrator's, please I would like to hear your explanation on this case.
    1.Are you by any form protecting people from the "banhammer" OR this is caused by a human mistake, misread, error?
    2.I can assume that, 3 of them were banned, but I can't because the administrator told me - "Characters were banned".
    3. For the rest of you, the readers - I do not want to influence your opinion, as I may be wrong, so I will leave the comments to you.
    4. Last but not least, when I will receive my reward or information about it.
    P.S: And if you don't trust me - you can always come to Plains of Lizardman to see this guy here, or message him - "overpoa.
    Hope for a response in a reasonable amount of time.
  5. Like
    Yoshiro получил репутацию от Sloy в Plains of Lizardman (CBP 24/7 bot)   
    One owner has four bots at Plains of Lizardmen. He is spoiling all the CBP here, 24/7. Please take note!
    Nicks - doica, fredi, akepas, overpoa.
    Please do something, cause for us the regular players to spoil these mobs is impossible! He is ALWAYS here, u can check that he changes target if u target his mob, also if you message him he would answer you with all 4 chars in a row!!!
    I submitted a ticket, but there are NO results at all!
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