I have donated 10 euro yesterday for 100 e-coins. I received 5 E-Coins bonus.
I had a total of 105 E-Coins
I then made a shop to sell them among other items such as : Karmian upper, Dc gloves rec.
I had 3kk aprox at the time I started the shop. I sold karmian upper and Dc gloves rec and raised an amount of 8.8kk.
The shop was not offline, I just went afk.
I returned to find all shop items had been bought. The karmian upper I asked 1kk for, and the dc gloves rec 4.8kk. I placed 425k value on E-Coin, and selected 80 coins to sell.
I had planned to have 25 coins left which I did not want to sell.
When I checked my inventory , I had total of 8.8kk ,and all 105 E-Coins missing. (those meant to be sold AND those that I meant to keep.)
3kk (my original amount) + 1kk (karmian upper) +4.8kk (dc gloves rec) = 8.8kk
I did not notice at the moment ,but when I looked for my coins, they were nowhere to be found.
I re loged in, hoping it was just an ordinary item bug, but they disappeared for good.
I thought that I may have placed them at 40k by mistake ,instead of 400k, but I would have still raised aprox 4 kk extra if the missing coins were in fact sold for 40k. Then I would have had at least 12kk, not the 8kk I have now.
So clearly there was no typing error, the error is of another nature.
Someone please check the logs on my account : player name TartaF ,account : tartaf(whitout prefix). It's not the first donation I make, and I want to know I am investing in something secure and safe and bugg free.
Awaiting reply , Thanks in advance.