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О Rekt1

  • День рождения 01/05/1992


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  1. Rekt1

    fishfood eglobal part 1

    banned for reporting a bot or what?
  2. Rekt1

    fishfood eglobal part 1

    you guys are bad let me explain it to you,first of all your position as archer party sucks u have no ma no position u just rush like braindead kids and die,imagine if u didnt have xside on your side you would be dead 24/7. make archer party get 2-3 adrenaline bots then farm all day stakato get dbs,tts and shoot robes, u are lucky u reached 79 lvl without getting banned more than 2 times lol and yet u complain about corrupted server because 1 guy posted a char 75 lvl that got transfered from other account. this is the only server that bans all the bots without exceptions if u cant handle playing without bot then go to your java servers or l2mid lmao.
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