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О AguentatePoncha

  • День рождения 08/25/1987


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  1. AguentatePoncha

    Got disconnected and can't login again.

    Demonas check private message/conversation and answer me please.
  2. Hi. 2 chars of mine got jailed. Support Center told me i need 20 e-coins to each to take them out of jail. I bought 90 coins and send 2 or 3 tickets , all of them got nulled. So i tough i needed to have the coins on the both chars. So i passed 60 coins for one and 20 for other. Now they tell me i needed to have the coins on the CP to leave jail? Can you take the coins from the chars and put them out of jail? Thanks.

  3. AguentatePoncha

    Support Center

    Hey since yesterday i've been trying to get an answer/action from Support Center. Is it possible you guys give a look? Ticket 2385 Thanks
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