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О Abraxas

  • День рождения 11/24/1985


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  1. Abraxas

    Events "L2Day"

    cause it is obvious they wanna make the server different than normal low rate servers and trying to add some fun and targets ingame... +1 for this l2 day event from me.. BUT this time please DO ADD the epic jewls NOT like the Wheel game in CP that we spend a lot and we get nothing from 3 epic jewls and that makes me sure that you just add them as an image and NOT as a chance to get them...
  2. Abraxas

    chat prohibited

    Tired also with the ''chat prohibited'' thing and with the ''wts adena/chars/items/xp ingame pm's ..
  3. Abraxas

    This mornings barakiel

    You said that the message was saying ''Your opponent is currently in petrified state'' right? that means that the raid or which your target was was petrified..why he replied to you saying that YOU got raid curse (which is petrify) ..as far as i remember the raid petrifies the over-level chars and it is not petrifying itself!!!..
  4. Abraxas


    i agree that de-buffing people used to be part of low rates..like when we could buff with berseker all raids BUT it is changed as well..guys we are talking about an old version (interlude) of this game (lineage2) that we play in 2016..ofc it needs some upgrades and add ons so it can provide us the best gameplay..dont complain before you test something is all i have to say plus +1 for me about adding this self buff for stop accepting buffs..
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