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  • День рождения 01/04/1990


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  1. CalyJDM

    How to connect?

    When I enter username and password it shows the L2 image and then shuts down....
  2. CalyJDM

    How to connect?

    Windows 10 64bits.
  3. CalyJDM

    How to connect?

    I dont have anti virus and Im running L2 as Administrator.
  4. CalyJDM

    How to connect?

    So we need to know when its going to open...
  5. CalyJDM

    How to connect?

    Oh....the good ol'Russian privilege?
  6. CalyJDM

    How to connect?

    It was supposed to open almost 1hour ago right?
  7. CalyJDM

    How to connect?

    I dont even think that server is online man...And yeah I also dont see a patch for the server.
  8. CalyJDM

    Windows 10 x64 Help

    Hello all, Well I bought a new laptop that requires the Windows 10 (MSI Dominator G), and I downloaded the files from L2e-global, installed, I open the game normally without errors. But when I put the username and password nothing happens...Do you guys know how to fix it? Thanks for the help!
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