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PvP tournament [GUIDE]

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PvP tournament can participate any player that has character level 85 on Averia.ws network (tournament will begin on 10th september, this means you still have time to prepare your characters). All equipment is given out in waiting room of tournament, day before tournament.


Battles will take place on specialized tournament server, where will be minimal access to arenas and spectators, all weapons/skill/armor enchants will be zeroed, every player will have an special box with special tournament gear, that can be used for personal character build up. For example box will contain 50 Greater Codex Masteries, every person will decide how and where to strategically enchant skills.

1. PvP-Tournament Description (Can be edited, check this section occasionally)

Tournament will take place in 2 ways: 9 vs 9 and class specific 1 vs 1

Tournament lenght: 10 September - 20 September 2015 (Tournament might be extended, since we have high ammout of participants)

Equipment: Balanced

Participating: It's free, but you will need to register your self, last day to register on tournament is on 8th September 2015. Battles will take place in special zones. Battles between teams/players will be chosen randomly by averia.ws staff members.

2. Prize pool rewardings:

Battle 9 vs 9 - 65% of total prize pool

1 st place - 33%

2 nd place - 20%

3 rd place- 12%

Class specific 1 vs 1 - 35% of total prize pool

1 st place of your class - 1% of total prize pool

3. Registration for tournament

Registration for tournament will be available on Averia.ws since 1st september, to register your self on class specific battles, you will need to add your character name and server, after this you will need accept through your email (that was used while registering your account).Confirmation must be made within 24 hours, if it was ignored, registration will be denied.

[spoiler=Example of Tournament list registration]Bv29en1hjRJM2G.jpg


Registration for 9 vs 9 battles will be made by group leaders, where they will add team member names / proffessions, also 2 more player ( just in any case, any team member will get dced, or other technical difficulties, also you are allowed to make tactical swaps between players ). Every player must confirm within 24 hours after registering on tournament, if this was ignored, registration will be denied.


Tournament server will be accessed via 1 box, so while registering do not add your dual character names.

4. Transferral guide to Tournament server

Your main character will not be deleted (from original server), tournament server will be added his clone, that will be used theese rules:

  • All weapons/armors/jewels/items will be deleted
  • All skill enchants will be removed
  • All Hero / Clan skills will be removed
  • Subclass certification skills will be saved
  • MP potions will be used in tournament (Limited)

5. Preparing for battle

Before tournament will begin, all players will have access to enter on tournament server, also players will have chance to choose their optimal proxy server with lowest ping. Same time all players will be given out Tournament Boxes, that will contain a battle pack.


Before we announce a battle, team leaders must be convinced that all group members are prepared for battle, enchanted their skills and restored their hp/mp/cp.


Group 9 vs 9 Battle, each group will be located in separated tournament clan. Every team will create their own tournament clan, can be made via NPC that is located in waiting room.

6. Meanwhile in battle

Before battle, teams will be given time to prepare them selves, adding and setting up their buffs, also can make their decision on tactical knowledge, after that we will ask players in chat, if they are prepared.


After players are ready to start the battle (on both sides), will be launched countdown on your screens, and you will see "START", that will signal teams to begin their battle. While participating in event, its NOT allowed to use any 3rd party softwares, also NOT allowed exploiting the server for your advantage.


If any player noticed an rule breaking, battle still has to be fought till the end. After the battle , participants can tell us about it, where we will review it and take an decision. We also encourage you to record every battle to proove your point.


Administrators may ask for rematch, if there was an issue related with textures of battle location (GEODATA).Battle will be loss when all participants of same team are dead after that there will be a text apperaring on screen saying "FINISHED"



Each team is allowed to have 2 bonus players, to create tactical swaps.


8. Payout for winners

  • Payout will be made within 7 days, after tournament has been finished, after tournament , winners will give out small interview (Q/A list will be sent to players personally) + add your PayPal/WEBMONEY/QIWI to redeem your reward.
  • Players that where caught using 3rd party softwares wont receive any rewards.
  • Players for being rude against other players or staff members, will get their rewards removed.

Tournament box is given to every contestant, it will contain:


Armor Sets (All items are enchanted to +3):

  • armor_t96_u_i01_0.png armor_t96_u_i03_0.png
  • armor_t94_u_i01_0.png armor_t94_u_i03_0.png armor_t100_u_i00_0.png
  • armor_t95_u_i01_0.png armor_t95_u_i03_0.png
  • verper_sigil_i00_0.png weapon_tysandy_shield_i01_0.png weapon_vesper_verteidiger_i01_0.png evilgate_shield_i01_0.png
  • armor_t71_ul_i00_0.png (This set will be enchanted to +8)

Jewels (All jewels will be enchanted to +3):

  • accessary_ponshrnoen_ring_i00_0.png accessary_ponshrnoen_earring_i00_0.png accessary_ponshrnoen_necklace_i00_0.png accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00_0.png accessary_queen_of_ice_necklace_i00_0.png accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00_0.png

*Zaken & Freya normal

Belts, Shirts, Cloaks & Bracelets:

  • Class specified shirts etc_stripe_shirts_s_i05_0.png Striped Mithril Shirt: 3 x (HP\MP\CP you can choose). Enchanted to +4
  • Belts S-Grade: 3 x armor_magic_deco_belt_i01_0.png (PVP skill attack, PVP defens, PVP physical attack). Enchanted to +3
  • etc_rbracelet_s_i03_0.png Mithril Браслет S Grade.
  • vesper_cloack_i00_0.png Holy Spirit Cloak.

Life Stones:

  • etc_mineral_unique_i03_0.png Top Grade Life Stone 84 lvl: x 100 Pcs.

Attention! Life stones can be set by command .augment


  • 1х1: 3 x Lifestones per player.
  • 9х9: 2 x Lifestones per player.

Weapons: (Enchanted to +3, dual wield weapons\daggers +4)

  • weapon_veniplant_sword_i01_0.png Veniplant Sword SA Acumen
  • weapon_cuticle_i01_0.png Rising Star SA Acumen
  • weapon_skullgrove_bow_i01_0.png Skull Carnium Bow SA Focus
  • weapon_periwing_sword_i01_0.png Periel Sword SA Focus/Health/Haste
  • weapon_feathereye_blade_i01_0.png Feather Eye Blade SA Health/Focus/Haste
  • weapon_dual_sword_i00_0.png Periel Dual Sword
  • weapon_dual_sword_i00_0.png Talum Blade*Dark Legion Edge Dual Sword
  • weapon_skulledge_i01_0.png Skull Dagger SA Critical Damage/Haste
  • dual_dagger_i00_0.png Skull Edge Dual Daggers
  • weapon_vigwik_axe_i01_0.png Vigwik Axe SA Health
  • weapon_evildeity_maul_i01_0.png Devilish Maul SA Health
  • weapon_dynasty_crusher_i01_0.png Dynasty Crusher SA Rsk.Focus
  • weapon_octoclaw_i01_0.png Octo Claw SA Health/Focus
  • weapon_doubletopa_spear_i01_0.png Doubletop Spear SA Health/Haste
  • weapon_blackvisage_i01_0.png Black Visage SA Empower
  • weapon_staff_of_evil_sprit_i01_0.png Staff of Evil Spirit SA Bless HP/Magic Focus
  • weapon_hell_knife_i01_0.png Hell Knife SA Mental Shield
  • weapon_bone_of_kaim_vanul_i01_0.png Kaim Vanul's SA Bones Conversion
  • weapon_heavy_war_axe_i01_0.png Heavy War Axe SA Health (rare)

Tournament Box for Party leader. Given to Party Leader only. All items enchanted to +3.

Box will contain:

  • accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00_0.png 1 Piece
  • accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00_0.png 1 Piece
  • accessory_ring_of_baium_i00_0.png 2 Pieces
  • accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00_0.png 2 Pieces
  • etc_codex_of_giant_i03_0.png 630 Pieces
  • etc_codex_of_giant_i02_0.png 27 Pieces

Tournament shop. Accessed via tournament server, it will have special NPC, items that you will be able to purchase.











More information about 9vs9 (Group battle 9х9):

1. Limitations for battles:

  • 1.1 All information about tournament is given out on our forums.
  • 1.2 Getting prepared for battle is not more than 1 day.
  • 1.3 Every team is allowed to take 1 x timeout per day, this will not last more than 10 minutes
  • 1.4 All teams will begin at their specialized rooms. leaving room is not allowed, otherwise team will receive an warning.
  • 1.5 After administrators announced the battle between teams, teams will be relocated to specialized arena, where they will continue with a fight.
  • 1.6 After the battle, teams will be relocated back to waiting room.

2. Step by step guide for battle:

  • 2.1 Every player is allowed to fight for 1 certain team.
  • 2.2 It's not allowed to flame or to use strong language i chat.
  • 2.3 Every team leader is allowed to have up to 2 players extra. Leader can use 2 x swaps per day, for tactical and technical reasons.
  • 2.4 Extra players must be joined in clan ( created on tournament server )
  • 2.5 Players in team, that joined to battle must be battle ready.
  • 2.6 Fight cannot be made less than 7 players.
  • 2.7 All members should be joined to their tournament clans.
  • 2.8 Tournament clans are made by Party Leaders.

3. Battle:

  • 3.1 Tournament battle will be made in different locations, team leaders will be let know of their battle by PM or by Announce.
  • 3.2 Before battle will take place, each team will have time to prepare their buffs.
  • 3.3 Battle will begin by text "START", that will appear on screen
  • 3.4 It's not allowed to use exploits
  • 3.5 It's not allowed to logout or hold the beginning of battle by logging out.
  • 3.6 Summoning players from town and safe zones while in battle is NOT allowed.
  • 3.11 Battle will be counted as finished when any team member is leaving the arena or wont resurect withing 10 seconds.
  • 3.12 It's allowed to summon players, if they where under debuff fear and left the pvp zone.

4. Warnings and disqualifications:

  • 4.1 Player/team that is using exploits.
  • 4.2 Once being disqualified, team will be removed from the tournament
  • 4.3 Every team/player can have 2 warnings, on 3rd warning they will be disqualified and removed from tournament.
  • 4.4 If 1 team member is being disqualified, party leader is allowed to swap this player.
  • 4.5 When party leader is not giving correct or wrong information about teams
  • 4.6 Using flame & strong language against other players & administrators
  • 4.7 Team that is disturbing the work of tournament admins.
  • 4.8 Team that is using not allowed items
  • 4.9 team that will attack before "START" message on screen.

5. Equipment of team.

  • 5.1 Your main character will STAY on Live server, we only move your clone on tournament server, theese are changes your clone will have:


  1. All weapons/Armors/Jewels/Tattoos/inventory will be cleaned
  2. Skill enchants will be at their max level.
  3. All clan and hero skils will be removed.
  4. Subclass certifications will be saved.
  5. Every player will have tournament box.
  6. Every leader will receive 630 books for skil enchant (enchant chance 100%) and 27 skill route change.Leader has right to choose what kind of skills his team members will enchant.
  7. before each battle , each team will take 90 x potions per battle. Party leader will trade with players and give out the potions.


  • 5.2 Each team will have:


  1. NPC to make tournament clan lvl 5.
  2. Personal Warehouse.
  3. NPC to delete and add dyes
  4. NPC that manages subclasses
  5. Ingame shop with certain items.

Information about tournament draws (group 9х9)

[spoiler=Tournament draws]group battles will be used Double Elimination system (Olympiad style, that will be removed after 2 losses).

[spoiler=Tournament draw, example 16 teams]ce3c8be5da813f9eefe33fab5293d64d.png

[spoiler=Tournament draws after 1st winners]6d3719f649373da79bce36d147323fcf.png

[spoiler=Tournament draw example after announcing winners]32c770d57e05bb5dec2e4f30d74d25d2.png



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Why i cant get info about this? ;o Registration is until 8d.

registration link?


Check this post again in couple hours, will do some research.

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Registration will be available on 11th September or earlier, on Averia.ws Control Panel!


and event will start in 4 days that means u can reg even when event already started or something is wrong with my math ;/

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and event will start in 4 days that means u can reg even when event already started or something is wrong with my math ;/


We also noted that date when tournament will begin , may be changed, (this depends on the ammount of players)

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