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Once server starts and I post my info here, how long will it take for you to get us PA?


Quickly, 1 - 2 hours max after we launch, this person will send to all RU and ENG players at the same time, you might need to relog to receive the affect.

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Thanks, if I buy "shortest PA" it will extend right? Because I want it from the start, so say I buy PA for 1 day, and it will be extended when we get the rewards?

No, it wont let you buy PA, until previous is not used

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Hello, Im the one who will receive free PA thank you so much!


1. Master Account name: 9tO9n

2. Game Account name: dopehero

3. Character name ( once server is opened): SoDope


Regards, Kaloyan.

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it's given 1 by 1, you will receive ingame message:


Exit your character for 5 minutes, so we can add Premium Status to your account (Share event from forum).


PA will stack, it means if you bought 7 days already , you will have 37 days total.

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Im still waiting for my PA, I have exited the game my char name SoDope.....


1. Master Account name: 9tO9n

2. Game Account name: dopehero

3. Character name ( once server is opened): SoDope


Regards, Kaloyan.

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Hello, Im a bit dissapointed its been second day and there is no PA applied to my account. You have choise me and still not giving my reward.

Completely dissapointed.

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cannot vote... i vote once over 30 h agoo[ATTACH=full]75311[/ATTACH]


I will check whats the issue there, meanwhile you can make another account , vote from there and send earned averinkas to another account & mail to original account.

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Quickly, 1 - 2 hours max after we launch, this person will send to all RU and ENG players at the same time, you might need to relog to receive the affect.

Can you give us information about this Fahreinheit?

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