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Gift for the repost

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Hello, Averians!

You all know, that we have community on Facebook.

Someone following the news, someone wasn't even paying attention to publications in the community.


For make more fun to your leisure time, I offer you a small event, by which, each and every participant can get a reward!


Of course, if you will follow all the necessary conditions.:sneaky:


The gist of event:

  1. Every Friday we will announce the start of the event. We will add a message with a link and a screenshot to the thread;
  2. You have to do repost latest posts from our community in FB, with the exact nickname and the server.
  3. [spoiler=For example]b127302168.png c0a9154e20.png

Humbly waiting for time, when we'll send you the gift.


If you think that all it easy, you mistaken:

  • Every repost will be checked by me personally:sneaky:;
  • On repost you are given a day .All reposts made after 24 hours, just do not participate in the event;
  • Post will stay at the same place during the day, you can't to mix it up with other posts;);
  • Event will take place every week, so don't worry if you can't do it in24 hours, try next time;
  • Bots (pages without friends and without any information) is automatically disqualified and not receive a gift;;
  • Pages with hidden walls will be disqualified too;
  • If I don't see in the repost your nick or server, then you will not get a gift(I'm not psychic, sadly);


About the gift, you will know, when you will recieve it. It will be sent by mail, after we'll complete counts reposts and allocation of nicknames and servers.

If you have a questions, you can ask me here.

Perhaps we will change conditions of event.

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List of participants



Faceless, x100

DeDMaZauKa, x10

OverMage, x100

GreenBabaika, x10

Indeec, x100

pucca, х100

Quit, х100

HukTa, х10

Conclusive, x10

Kastsiukevich, x100

ShillenKnight228, x100

InsideMe, х100

Ingod, x100


Thank you, guys :)

Counting was completed in 18:40 (+3 GMT) Further reposts will not be counted.

Waiting for you next Friday at 18:00 (+3 GMT);)

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I hope i did right thing. I am new to facebook. :ninja:


Add me, cuz I can't see your wall.

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List of participants




GoodDayToLife, х100

LoveMyLord, x100

Navi, x100

Unreality, x100

Kastsiukevich, x100

SweetKeepy, x100

DeathOfAngel, x100

pucca, x100

Kvadronka, x100

qsq, x100

DjSynoptical, х100

OverMage, x100

Faceless, x100

YesMyLady, x100

HealingPower, x100

redlinx, x100

NeckromongeRUS, x10

Conclusive, x10

DeDMaZauKa, x10



Thank you, guys :)

Counting was completed in 18:00 (+3 GMT) Further reposts will not be counted.

Waiting for you next Friday at 18:00 (+3 GMT);)

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  • 2 недели спустя...
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List of participants




Jolly, x100

KvenAard, x100

Bu3uTeP, x100

Unreality, x100

bustrex, x100

Faceless, x100

OverMage, x100

Pucca, х100

YesMyLord, x100

Navi, x100

Limonka, x100

Estiva, x100

LoveMyLord, x100

enoshka, х100

YesMyLady, x100

Vlad, x10



Thank you, guys :)

Counting was completed in 20:54 (+3 GMT) Further reposts will not be counted.

Waiting for you next Friday at 18:00 (+3 GMT);)

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List of participants




Jolly, x100

KvenAard, x100

Bu3uTeP, x100

Unreality, x100

bustrex, x100

Faceless, x100

OverMage, x100

Pucca, х100

YesMyLord, x100

Navi, x100

Limonka, x100

Estiva, x100

LoveMyLord, x100

enoshka, х100

YesMyLady, x100

Vlad, x10



Thank you, guys :)

Counting was completed in 20:54 (+3 GMT) Further reposts will not be counted.

Waiting for you next Friday at 18:00 (+3 GMT);)


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List of participants




Jolly, x100

KvenAard, x100

Bu3uTeP, x100

Unreality, x100

bustrex, x100

Faceless, x100

OverMage, x100

Pucca, х100

YesMyLord, x100

Navi, x100

Limonka, x100

Estiva, x100

LoveMyLord, x100

enoshka, х100

YesMyLady, x100

Vlad, x10



Thank you, guys :)

Counting was completed in 20:54 (+3 GMT) Further reposts will not be counted.

Waiting for you next Friday at 18:00 (+3 GMT);)

and what's the reward?

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YesMyLord, x100

OyVse, x100

LoveMyLord, x100

Limonka, x100

Kastsiukevich x100

Navi, x100

Unreality, x100



Thank you, guys :)

Counting was completed in 00:08 (+3 GMT) Further reposts will not be counted.

Waiting for you next Friday at 18:00 (+3 GMT);)

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