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I will go on x55 by Averia.ws, and you?

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Hello, Averians!

Did you felt that december outside? Do you know, why not? It's because our team opens the hottest server that will warm you, and also will drive away the cold!


But those, who feels cold and wrap up in a blanket, don't be sad. That's means that our heat does not came to you yet.

Here again, we run an action for you, thanks which, you'll not to play to our server without your friends.

cute.gif I'm sure that your friends will be offended on you, if you're gonna warm this winter alone.

So, all together is finished drinking tea, opening the Skype and calling our friends!


Just write: "I will go on x55 by Averia.ws - launch on 15th January 2016! 19:00 (GMT +3). Come with me!"happy.gif

All participants will receive 30 Avers on forum account!

gift.gif Don't forget that you should post a screenshot to this thread.



The flood will be deleted!

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Не ищи смысл, это просто фотокарточки🍒



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