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Let’s go on x50 together!

Рекомендованные сообщения

Hello, folks!


Very soon will start the new server X50? But you're not going to play alone? Call your friends!

Why would you do that? Everyone will know where to find you when you disappear for a long time after the start!

Write in your Skype status "Averia.ws x50 - 15th July, 2016! Come with me and you too!^^ http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-ws-x50-launch-on-15th-july-2016-19-00-gmt-3.149046/"


As bonus you will get respect, reputation, likes and 35 Avers on your forum account.

When topic will be closed, we will check your status in Skype!


Once You accumulate 300 Avers, you can transfer them on your Master account!

You have to put a screenshot in this topic! The contest will last until July, 15th.

Flood will be removed.

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