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Share with friends & receive Premium Account

Рекомендованные сообщения


Hello, folks. You already heard that x55 server will be launched this winter?

We decided to not depart of tradition, and before the server start of we begin the contest "Share with friends & receive PA!"

At first you have to be follower of our Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/Official.Averia/

Next you have to share this post: https://www.facebook.com/Official.Averia/posts/390317701317605

[spoiler=How to share post?]

1. Simply follow this URL: https://www.facebook.com/Official.Averia/posts/390317701317605

Click: Like>Share>Share Post Now (Public)





This post should stay on your Timeline until the announcement of the contest results. If you will remove it, then you will be disqualified.

Once you've done this, you have to post here link of your repost. If you want, you can add a screenshot.

7 lucky winners selected by a random number generator will get Premium account for 2 weeks!

If You win, please tell me login Your game account before the start of the server.

All participants will receive 30 Avers on forum account!

Event will last until 1nd Frbruary. Event is ment for all averia servers.

Server description:


Other pre-launch promotions:


Good luck to everyone!


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