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My ideas to improve server

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After making a post in Technical issue to QQ about but, i will do my best to report them to improve server here. ( main Idea in red if u are lazy to read )


1) I will start with the most important one, many people will cry but .. REFRESH SKILL IN MACCROS, u have to delete this.

First, you have to understand IT WAS A BUG, yea an official bug, but its fixed since KAMAEL chronicle, straight after C5. There is no point to put it here on purpose in High Five, Why ? Dagger spam spell, dont use STR and go+5 Dex for max evasion / dodge, its not normal, its a huge boost for them.

Gladiator in PvP have no idea how to play, they use Final secret +30% damage in pvp and spam AoE, u have no chance to survive.

High Five should be a chronicle where all tanky ppl are the stronger in 1v1 ( yea its sad, but its this chronicle ) Paladin / DA / ST / ET sucks hard in PvP because of this refresh maccro.

And the must of all, every mage can spam aura flash like crazy.


2) Make Frintezza / Freya possibility entrance for 1 party instead of CC = many parties got scammed with noname twinks in party, now all the server is stuff, its easy with 1 party.


3) Check AoE skill ( force burst / force storm ) of Glad / Tyrant, the road to enchant is fucked, all of them, and the range also, the circle in front is like 80 degres instead of 360 and 180.


4) Start thinking about making COV and skill like that 1 hour, then buff seller will be able to put it in decrease speed enchant, like i said, for now fighter are useless i think its a way to help them a bit.


5) When 2 clans are reg in a forto, when they kill each other, they should earn Fame, I dont think its working in here, check it please.


6) When you talk to the olympiad manager, he gives you a rank, wtf is this rank ? it should be the rank for last month, here its current month but not even a good one, i think he is ranking people considering the number of match instead of point, you should delete it or fix it.



Thx for your time if u have read everything and trying to do something about all that.

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+ I Noticed some weird things about all cancelation buff, its like there is no minimum/maximum but all time an exact amount of buff that is overpowered.

+ Mirage shouldnt be 100% detarget, but a chance of ..

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Thank you for sharing your opinion with us. About many subjects that you mentioned is not "black or white", something that works for you it wont work for someone else, so suggestions like this one will be taken into consideration, but point of players joining a specific chronicle is that its that very Chronicle. The macro usage was not a mistake since NCsoft never said that was a mistake, now if they changed it later doesn't mean it was bugged it means it was at H5, so any kind of update you had later doesn't mean that specific class was bugged, but simply it was part of that specific Chronicle.


Another thing, speaking about some skill "working or not working", means you need to check it multiple times, not 10, not 50, but much more in order to to get a real % of how does a specific skill works. There is another aspect of this, many tests depends on gear, class on which you are testing a specific skill and much more.


As for things you consider not to be working correctly we will inform developers about it.

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Well, thx for took the time to read and answer.

If u need help for these tests im all up ro prove you my good faith and to show you what im talking about.

And for maccro it was "changed" way before high five even if u dont consider it as a bug it wasnt they changed it.

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i'm agree about macros... like practice show, that 80% of players play for gladiators, where is fun?

Одним из главных признаков счастья и гармонии является полное отсутствие потребности кому-то, что-то доказывать.

Нельсон Мандела

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I got same bug at dualist(Gladiator) yesturday i went at freya and i tryed to mass enemys(mob) with my macro mass skill but it only mass like 1mob not all of them it's like 80 degres instead of 360 and 180. So my question Is. Is that bug? or you done it on purpose that people with dualists couldn't mass many players and monsters (mobs) ?

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I got same bug at dualist(Gladiator) yesturday i went at freya and i tryed to mass enemys(mob) with my macro mass skill but it only mass like 1mob not all of them it's like 80 degres instead of 360 and 180. So my question Is. Is that bug? or you done it on purpose that people with dualists couldn't mass many players and monsters (mobs) ?

This is a question for developers, we will make sure this info reaches them.

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  • 1 месяц спустя...
Makro thing must be deleted tho. Its like playing a buggy game. Having less CD when u put skills on macro, what is the point?

Really? Macroses is like on eurooff :cautious::confused:

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Really? Macroses is like on eurooff :cautious::confused:

Macro thing in here is the only thing making me think not to start. I dont see a point adding a buggy stuff like that in here. So you want everyone to have full of stupid macros instead of skills in skillbars and pick "Skill spam" classes?

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