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Prophecies - CoV/PoF/PoW/PoWind - Active Supports!

Remove prophecies from NPC Buffer?  

4 пользователя проголосовало

  1. 1. Remove prophecies from NPC Buffer?

    • + Yes
    • - NO

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In classic, prophecies are OFFENSIVE only .. And I see many people in this server are upset about the high damage from all players.


In other chronicles, prophecies are offensive + defensive + hp ..

This means on classic, if all have prophecies, people do lots of damage and 1-2 hit eachother.



I recommend to remove these from NPC buffer - and add to support classes. If you want POF / COV / VOP / POW then have a support in your party.


Keep them support only! 4 Min duration!


Support is useful in classic;


WC Has nice DOT (Damage over time / bleed), nice fear, nice sleep. (Chant of Victory)

OL has nice debuffs/sleeps (Victory of Pagrio)

SE has nice root / stigma (Prophecy of Wind)

EE has nice heals / atk speed slow (Prophecy of Water)

PP has nice AoE Fear / Mystic Immunity (Prophecy of Fire)


This is classic, not interlude. Lets have some good balance. Bring active supports to the game!


Classic server is unique.. lets make this server the best, not just another copy paste of interlude with different files!

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Many people play active support.. it's fun! You can play active support and go duo with any player.


This is classic.. supports are strong and more fun, lots of debuff/heals/prophecies/nice features.


In interlude, you have Dagger/Archer/Mage


In classic many classes are good, so lets play them!

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многим нравится гве за то что тут можно комфортно играть соло.

remove these from NPC buffer - and add to support classes - не сделает support classes актуальными. это лишь заставит людей качать твинов, что бред на пвп сервере.

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а что делать соло игрокам? это бустанет только кп и кланы. это пвп сервер. а не х1. Против

Don't you want to see some competition in olympiad with all classes ? Don't you want to have some variety in this server ? All server is going to be necro sps archer etc... Some variety will make things interesting in my opinion. People will need in their party a support class to win pvp this modification will encourage players to play in parties and cooperate ( lineage as a game demands it ). Imagine a dagger party with SE for stigma , i'd love to see that :)

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