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Discussion of [GvE] Glory World. Questions and Answers.

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Is this going to be fixed before 15th or we will always have to change locale to russia?


We have already passed this issue to the technical team, and I hope they will resolve it asap.



Please try to replace localization.ini file in System folder for this one - https://dropmefiles.com/O3gBD

Let me know if it worked.

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Why are there so much custom changes in the classes? Like pet cooldown, gloom landrate, fear being removed after an attack? people join classic because they're tired of custom hi5's, and you trying to do the same thing here... I'm a bit disappointed.

Death Sting its not 100% landrate on retail either, especially outside olympiad, with mental shield.

First of all please pay attention that it is not a classis "Classic", but it is GvE concept and of course it is custom in its own manner.

However could you please describe in more detail what exactly do you think works in a wrong way? It is only OBT now, so we have time to reconsider some points.

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First of all please pay attention that it is not a classis "Classic", but it is GvE concept and of course it is custom in its own manner.

However could you please describe in more detail what exactly do you think works in a wrong way? It is only OBT now, so we have time to reconsider some points.

Yeah I do realise it, I don't expect everything being like retail classic, but some changes are a bit too game changing.


For sure Death Sting should be retail like, which means it can be resisted, why archer would have 100% silence, for 10s every a few seconds, two shoting robe users.

Fear shouldn't be interrupted by dealt damage, on pvp it doesn't land any crazy anyway due mental shield (its also close range skill, on pvp you dont even use it because you'll die trying to cast it)

What's the reason of nerfing gloom, the debuff is not any op, and helps necro deal a bit more dmg, which is a mage with the lowest dmg, no arcana shield, no arcana power, transfer pain on this chronicle is 10% only..

Pet resummon CD, I agree every 2s like retail is way too strong, but 50s is too drastic change


And to be honest with you, classic chronicles, especially 2.0 wasn't made to play above 79lv, because there are some super op skills, that nobody had on retail, untill 2.5 when they got nerfed, like insane crusher for example. So it's really a hard thing to balance something with full gear, and highest level. I hope you will manage to do it, without killing the spirit of the chronicle. The project itself it's brilliant tho. Enjoying PvP a lot, but Oly not so much.

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Can you implement Spoiling. On best RvB server spoiler had +% of reward after kiling spoiled enemy. Please add some small spoil reward on mobs and player, so playing spoiler will be possible. We dont wanna only mage and archer server

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can you finally fix death sting so it doesn't land 1/1, and fix resistances so they work properly, because there's no difference if I use majestic, or dc set, it's same result at the end with stuns. Today I was getting stun after stun from duelist, so don't answer me 10%, because it's like 50%.

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when obt goes up again? login seems off since yesterday evening

Сервер от вчера еще не поднимали?

server up after your message / сервер подняли после вашего вопроса

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blue wolf sets don't give stun resistance

death sting still being bugged

armor set bonuses not working properly (for insante stun resistance in majestic rob set, it doesn't matter if you play with majestic or another set, the chance of being stunned is the same)

canceled buffs don't return most of the time at all

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Hello. Thanks for making oly longer and count 60 seconds ! :) just wanted to add 1 more thing : at olympiad u can use transformations like dark assasin/white assasin, they are giving stats and they are not supposed to be used at oly. :)

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i'd also suggest to balance cubics from summoners. Elemental summoner cubic is hitting up to 2.3k for some reason (with m.crit), while Arcana lord paralyze cubic is completely not working. Phantom summoner stun cubic is low chance as well. its also even bigger unbalance because elemental summoner is strongest one even besides cubics

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We have already passed this issue to the technical team, and I hope they will resolve it asap.



Please try to replace localization.ini file in System folder for this one - https://dropmefiles.com/O3gBD

Let me know if it worked.


That seems to work for me, thanks.

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