Trolya 259 Опубликовано: 28 мая 2018 Рассказать Опубликовано: 28 мая 2018 Hello guys! Right before the Grand Opening of [GvE] Classic server, we decided to launch the campaign "Share the post - get a reward at the server start!" There will be 2 weeks in total during which 3 winners will be selected (each week). Conditions: Like and follow our Facebook group - Leave any comment under this post - Share this post to your page - Only public share is valid, so we could check it! Example - [*]Pin the share to Top of your page for at least 7 days Reward to the winners: Rune Adena for 14 days + Nephilim Lord Buff Coin for 14 days + Monster Shield Rune Adena [3 hour] + Buff Coin [6 hour] + 1000 Greater CP Potion I remind you that different events and drawings on our Facebook page will be held on a permanent basis, with the possibility to win various valuable prizes, as well as in-game currency! What rewards can you get: Avers, Runes Adena, costumes and accessories. Thereafter, the list will be brought up to date and changed as the server develops. More information can be found in this topic: LINK >> GO TO SKYPE PROMOTON << Цитата Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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