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Apache Ant

Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016

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FrauFrau Administrator Staff Member " The server is turned on, but there is a problem with the input. Unfortunately DDoS attack :oops: "


cant get more official.....so in ur next enquiry about when its gonna open....the answer is YOU NEVER KNOW ... soon though :)

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FrauFrau Administrator Staff Member " The server is turned on, but there is a problem with the input. Unfortunately DDoS attack :oops: "


cant get more official.....so in ur next enquiry about when its gonna open....the answer is YOU NEVER KNOW ... soon though :)

So the server is getting DDoS'ed even before anyone has had the chance to play? Can't have nice things in a world full of trash bags that just want to ruin things for others.

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So the server is getting DDoS'ed even before anyone has had the chance to play? Can't have nice things in a world full of trash bags that just want to ruin things for others.

Didnt you expect it mate? I expected it for 101% :p

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Didnt you expect it mate? I expected it for 101% :p

yeah, but why then they can't start the server a bit earlier. because it's getting late, and some even won't be able to play today... i don't get it.

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yeah, but why then they can't start the server a bit earlier. because it's getting late, and some even won't be able to play today... i don't get it.

I think everyone knows the answer mate..


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