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Social Quest #1 - Tell us about...

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1. I started L2 in private server called Better World C2 chronicle, in about 2004-2005, dont remember exactly.

2. WWOafdrius

3. facebook advertising.

4. Quit because online dropped significally.

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1. How and when do you start playing Lineage 2

Since 2006- My friend were playing L2 so do i started.

2. Your game account - so we could give you ticket for obteining headwear


3. From where do you find about New Interlude x7 by E-Global & Valhalla-Age

My friends told me to play here witch them.

4. Why do you stop playing on your last project.

I played L2-Classic, and just wated to change for old times Interlude one.

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1) i was young and unspoiled i had plenty of time and i gave a try to L2 . i started in l2 roxxy x30 i was amateyr and unexperienced but i liked the game . it was at 2005 -6 not sure.

2) NAils ( character name)

3) via friends

4) my latest server start dying more and more ppl leave, i didnt see any chances of recovery , although i liked the server

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  1. I started before about twelve years (2004) .The server was (GR) E-Global C3 (x3 rates if i remember right). A friend from high school showed me the way :-) .
  2. DNWmahoney4 .
  3. I was looking for Greek servers on the web.
  4. I quit from official because I could not spend my money in the game to have a basic equipment and because in the game there was no character balance.

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1. Как и когда ты начал играть в Lineage 2 на Ну я такой проебывалься от братвы а тут бац и ла2 шитай дома сидишь играешь с 2005 небыл на улице все задрочу

2. Ваш счет в игре - чтобы мы могли дать вам билет на obteining головные уборы


3. Откуда вы узнали о новой Интерлюдии х7 по электронной глобальной и Валгалла-Возраст

Мои друзья мне сказали, чтобы играть здесь ведьма с ними.

4. Почему вы перестали играть на свой последний проект.

Я играл в Л2-классика, и просто душистым меняться в старые времена Интерлюдии один.

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How and when do you start playing Lineage 2

I started playing 10 years ago in server "Волгодом" x5 and I started to play because my friend told me about La2 and give me the disc with the game.

2. Your game account - so we could give you ticket for obteining headwear


3. From where do you find about New Interlude x7 by E-Global & Valhalla-Age


4. Why do you stop playing on your last project.

Work. Family. Strong power of will )))

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1. Лет 14 назад на lineage2world.com за ТХ

2. WENpinokio1986

3. Друзья с разных серверов переходили сюда, вот и за компанию=)

4. Из-за осады начался баг, много людей ушло с сервера.

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  1. Hi everyone, how and when I starting playing Lineage 2,hmm... First of All, I started to play this game 8 years ago with my friends, we learnt this game from other peoples for example we saw this game at internet cafe from other players,we like it actually and we decided to start playing like a team 8-9 people. Thats all for my Lineage 2 history.
  2. shackburorb
  3. I find about this Server from websites like a (Topzone,Hopzone) and I decided to start !
  4. I took a brake before starting New Interlude x7 E-Global&Valhalla-Age because we like it very much with my team (clan) and we decided to play here . Sincerely Grandpa :cool:

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