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Many clans which were invited to our opening don't want to inform about themselves on forum. So it would be easy for u to find a party/clan to play with. But it's true that russians flames in all chats more then any other nationality.

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Am i the only one here who thinks that this international server will have 80% or more russians? o_O(judging from cp/clan recruitment)


So far, we have 40% of traffic from EU/BR, and 60% from CIA (Ru / Ua / etc.)


The main reason, why EU / US clans or CP, don't wanna add them on "desk" is because they mostly cooperate with Ru clans, that what we saw on our x25 or x10.


That means, you will find lots of english speaking players, but under other tags.


Sure, we could make only EU / US server, but community there isn't so big.

We could gather like 1500 - 1800 unique english speaking players, but that's it, if you wanna see more fun, than we have to invite players from CIS.

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Englishspeaking gamers don't like servers forums, will be see ingame ;)

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Am i the only one here who thinks that this international server will have 80% or more russians? o_O(judging from cp/clan recruitment)


most likely, 80% Russian-speaking, than the Russians themselves. Belarusians and Ukrainians.

x10 created la.kiev server. he is Ukrainian.

Especially the guys, why do not you create a clan\cp? whose server and ask again several times etc.


the problem to gather in the English-speaking clan? how many posts here, created to find English-speaking clan ..

carefully read the forum ...

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