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Hello guys


We prepared this little event for everybody who wants to take part in projects life and likes making reviews. It's pretty simple event where you can get E-Coins for your work and share your ideas, thoughts, reports etc. with other players.


Review categories:


*Interview from category "Player's life (inside)" can be published by administrator (if you want to be anonymous) in this case you will also get a reward. Discuss this feature you can with me via PM on forum.


problem.png Requirements:

  • Language - English
  • Topic name has to include:
    • Review Category
    • Event name

[interview] Top Clan Leader in the world

[siege] Rune Castle 01.05.2016



arrow-box_icon.png Usefull info:

  • Use screenshot with good quality
  • You can use Photoshop to make screens more colorful
  • Use photo hosting for uploading screen (for e.g. I use Imgur and Photobucket)
  • Good screens increase your chances for better reward
  • Good videos increase your chances for better reward
  • Colorful description increase your chances for better reward (for e.g. you can look like we are doing it here)

gift_box_gold.png Reward:

*Administration will evaluate your review

  • Your overview is short and colorless - 10 E-Coins
  • You make pretty good report with colorful description - 30 E-Coins
  • Your report is awesome, with video report, colorful description
    and filled with feelings of event atmosphere - 60 E-Coins

Also absolutely meaningless reviews without any interesting info with bad description won't get any reward


right.png How to get a reward:

Pm AMB in forum with such info

  • Data of exact event which you are reviewing
  • Link to your review
  • Your Char Name

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Good ;)

Waiting - x25 IL E-Global 07.01.2017!

New Legenda x7 GF E-Global & Valhalla-Age 10.09.2016

Группа проекта E-Global - https://vk.com/inlineage2

Добавляй меня в друзья - https://vk.com/antoha_step

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