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I go here to create an account


and i fill out all the information correctly and complete and when i click REGISTER nothing happens

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i entered the captcha perfectly

i click register and nothing happens

doesnt tell me somethings wrong or anything just sits there doesnt even load

i made my accounts now but i made them through the 10x link on the bottom

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I tried testing if still works for me .. I created another account with first try. Everything works fine. As you can see in this prscrn http://prntscr.com/atnc8c. The problem must be in your conection. If your problem insist you can message me to create an account for you. Then you can change password. Or find a friend who can register and tell him to register for you.

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Since I can't make a new thread I post here. I'm a new player but I can't make an account. I've entered the "captcha" like 50 times already but it always says "invalid code from the image"....What to do? I've tried it in Chrome, Firefox, IE and Avast SafeZone.

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I've got every time "undefined" any solutions to this? Or I just need desperately wait for the web to be fixed? :D I assure you that I entered catcha,but when I click "register" I get this error and catcha disappears.


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