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I got a simple question is it normal that i cannot receive the coupon for travelers? What's the criteria cause i cant understand. Any help apreciated.


did you buy 1st class or done quest? if you buy for adena you wont get coupons, if you did quest, you should get, cause its retail stuff.

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did you buy 1st class or done quest? if you buy for adena you wont get coupons, if you did quest, you should get, cause its retail stuff.


:/ You helped, thank you a lot. I actually did buy it, cause i realised i did the wrong quest when i finished it and i was so bored to remake the other one. And another one question, are these weapons tradeable? If so i can do the quest from my box.

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I found out that the only way to achieve the coupon of travelers and the weapon is by doing the quest for 1st class and only.Neither tradeable or saleable.

Thanks HardcoreLegend..

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