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Never an online GM .that's just cold.

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Directed @ the Admin team.

It is a shame that you do not give the slightest of importance to this aspect.

Firstly, there are spammers at every teleport, sometimes the same for days ..

Today ,There was a guy in giran ( Ilgauskas ) with a shop set up , and the title was his skype account and offer of adena in USD $$$ ... HE WAS THERE ALL DAY LONG ! no one from the administrative team was inside giran all day ... Unacceptable !


These kind of abuses SERIOUSLY disturb the gameplay ,creating overpowered groups in a matter of days . Think about it . Is it safe to invest your week into something where another with 10-20-30 USD can achieve in minutes ?

The first to lose are yourselves, the administration .For one your lack of action and proper regulation in this area indicates that you do not care about offering your community a fair-balanced experience.. maybe you guys have a few bots of your own running around eh? ..


Take some time to improve this department, maybe assign a few people to acctually be in-game GMs , and take instant action against these abuses . Supervisors that can actually BAN IPs!

From the thousands of players we have here, we can do whitout them!

Are you guys planning to whipe in a month or two because you did not act when you should have ? The problem is inside the game ..and it is from inside the game that u can resolve it.

I havent seen for a long time a server as exploited as this. there are groups of bots all over the map... from xp frozen spoilers to deep inside IT ...


ALL THESE PROBLEMS COULD BE SOLVED IF YOU APPOINT A FEW ACTIVE GMs TO KEEP AN EYE ON THE SERVER - from within the server. * if you wish to solve this problem for real *

If the procentage of the server who uses scripts to program his boxes cant sell the adena they introduce into the sistem, they will quit exploiting !! Dont think these exploiters play L2 for the fun of the game !! and they are ruining it for everybody.


my 2 cents.

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actually i dont give two foks about it man..


i just invested a month plus plus plus to have someone pay 25 euro to a exploiter and out-level me and out-gear me in 2 days. G fuking J . filter clickers much ?


i was hoping you guys care a lil.. *you're the ones making money ,not us, dont tell us to make videos or pictures ..you know this is not helping ... step in with officials from the team and resolve it ! pay them for fuk sakes... HAVE THEM LIVE INSIDE GIRAN FOR A MONTH UNTIL IT IS PARASITE FREE! !!!!!!!!!!!!!


othershie, as the number of players has gradually dropped since the begining aprx a month ago... it will continue to do so. It is not the Flow of incoming donations that is keeping the server alive , contrary to your believes.. it is the game-experience.

and im sad to say that the game experience here SUX FUKING ASS.

Everyone is doing one-man partys ... boxing 3 buffers , adrenaline junkies.. barley a live support in sight .. good fuuking game man :) but as long as you keep getting payed aint no biggie ,i know. (if the game experience sux, it will soon crash)


I only play for fun, not enough time to be competitive.. but i see you wasting precious time and resources trying to handle stuf the wrong way. YOU ARE PROHIBITING COMMON PHRASES inside chat, sometimes i have to write a sentance WORD by WORD to have it sent through (just lol) - this is really a pain in the a$$ ...... you are CLEARLY in over your heads. ( i mean seriously ... prohibiting the word Donator ? you nabs ....... the sentance "ill give u the rest of the money when i graduate from the academy, meanwhile ill go scam noobs for pvp points in low gear" do you see anything wrong with this sentance ? because your system did. every time i tryed sending it. IT IS FRUSTRATING .) Your ways of solving problems are creating even worse and STUPIDER problems.


AND BELIEVE ME , AN ACTIVE ONLINE GM would solve more problems than you could concieve. Dont act big about it.... accept it and take measures !!! WE NEED AN ACTIVE GM online !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if he has enough support from the owner and the team.. he can really make more of a difference than you think.

All your coding and sh1t dont matter if you dont give importance to this aspect.

It is inside the game that the action takes place. How can you not have a representative inside the game ? do you really see L2 as only a cash cow ? because that would be the only explanation.

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It is like you have an office opened in Madrid ,but u want to live in Moscow, and then you wonder why people will robb you from your office.....

GET A GM inside GIRAN ! have him live there !!! make him celebrate his bday inside Grain!!!!!

It is like No-Man"s land inside your server... old texas rules..... no one fears ban ... everyone sells adena for dollars.. on shout.. on PM and on TITLE !!!!!!!

other serves laugh at u.

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As I sayd, if you want to help us - make some videos or screenshot. There is no reason write a complaint on the forum.

Every day we ban RMT shops and bots. Players help us in this. Instead of having to write their complaints on the forum - they write to support. Close

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