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Оо да даун при виде ф9 консты неафекашной жмет бсое даап некто убить не может )))

У тебя ручки дрожат :D

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Великий таджик PutinPK все сидит потный с жирными сиськами и клипает мувики чтобы на него обратили внимание ))))

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Вчера всех унизил, азазаза

Чет мы как стояли в фоге так и стоим,за то слышим в хч фог нагнут )) ах да я же забыл ты если больше 2х человек живых в пати то ты сразу б сое делаешь ))

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Rich boy is hawing fun (Full rb juve after a month and a half not even in top clan?)

One lvl 80 vs ~lvl 66 pary of ~7 people, 4 bots, 3 real ppl. ( i think)

Hero skills, heavy edited youtube clip ( why cut out the hp /buff bar when 4-5 ppl hit you like a raid bosss?)

Heroic Miracle is a 30 second UD with no selfroot, you can kill any non hero with that. Ultimate evasion and cp potions wouldn't tank 7 people using skills - fact.

Edit: BD hero - lol, Deflect Arrow? *faceplm*


Nice kills, now you can bsoe.


I'll leave this here till mods close this theme to:

we killed them several times and they didn't drop anything, oh w8 they droped soul ore and arrows S. Today i pk'ed some1 at barakiel and that was my 8th pk and i droped pl boots, so wtf is with them ???????????????????????

1st rule for pk players, haw almost full inventory (95% slots full, not weight) and don't pick up anything while pk'ing. If killed you will drop some items (depends on how much pk points you haw) at 1/80 or 1/100 chance.

Fun fact: if you kill someone with full inventory they will drop stuff even without karma.


Low lvl pk: i do understand the need for pk'ing bots, or fighting for a good hunting spot or raidboss but going on pk runs till you get bored, or someone actually comes hunt you just so you could bsoe from a fair fight (you newer show that "shameful" part on youtube guys xD) is only for the really "rich boys".

Side note: mele acuracity against mobs works till its +3~4 lvl higher than your lvl, so hiting a pk player that is 10-20 lvl higher than your lvl is prety much useless (you will miss A LOT of hits). Mages do hit all the time, but each level difference adds 1.2543% reduction to damage done to a higher lvl target ( for mele to).


That's russian playerbase.


Till i get "rich" as those pkers ill go pk to, why not :) It's part of the game.

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