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Suggestion. CP Potions need a CD of 3 s or Remove compleatly.

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We all know CP pot loaders are unfair advantage and are 3rd party tools that are banable, they spam the cp pots all time and the ingame macro is unable to do that, aka not with the same speed.


On many servers that I have played, people who used programs for CP pot spam, always exploited that fact and destroyed everyone in PvP. CP Pot loader users usualy get away with this...


There is more reasons to remove the CP pots like the unbalance, mainly between clases who can burst nuke other classes in PvP, using far less CP pot spam / per minute etc.


I think you get the idea. Everyone wants a fair game. Right?

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This topic should be in the recycle bin. If you cant use macros/don't have enough fingers/skill for tapping potions, then im pretty sure that you wont even see high-end pvp anyway. The ridiculous meter of this thread is somewhere between D. Trump being a feminist and Julius Caesar inventing the salad (for those of you who don't know, its not even named after him :deIlluminati:)


And I just wasted one minute of my life on this shit.

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POT Loaders are 3rd party tools that some players use and usually get away with it, it is an problem, and I'm really sorry that you fail to see, that this tools are among any other programs that automate parts of the game, and has nothing remotely to do with skill and the use of macros.


1.This programs can automatically keep your CP at an level specified by the user, and can spam them in less then seconds, with normal macros can not do. ( can set miliseconds )


2.Having this free mind while your CP automatically stays at certain lvl, lets player to focus on many other things giving big advantage in PvP.


Not every player is going to reach, or even aims at the "High End PvP" you speak off, that's true, and at the same time the nature of how things go in this game. Nevertheless it does not change the fact that game should be kept clean of 3rd party tools on all levels of play, players are not equal in skill... And especially when we talking about the META.


For the sake of comparison lets take, Two players of equal skill and consider an scenario where they are equally geared etc. An player who is able to automate part of hes task in battle have clear advantage, and having more resource (time focus) to out maneuver the other player, who in comparison has to spend his time trying to spam pots and skills, a battle that he cannot win vs Pot Loader. Also consider for example same two players fighting with same skills etc, the automate pot will always win vs normal pot spam / macro, because of reasons state above. ( Point 1 )


Lastly, comparing macros and skill play to the use of 3rd party tools as you did is just wrong, sorry to say but that misses the aim of this topic, which is illegal software.


A simple reuse time on CP pot would fix this, that's all, that is if there exists no better solution.


My humble opinion.

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POT Loaders are 3rd party tools that some players use and usually get away with it, it is an problem, and I'm really sorry that you fail to see, that this tools are among any other programs that automate parts of the game, and has nothing remotely to do with skill and the use of macros.


1.This programs can automatically keep your CP at an level specified by the user, and can spam them in less then seconds, with normal macros can not do. ( can set miliseconds )


2.Having this free mind while your CP automatically stays at certain lvl, lets player to focus on many other things giving big advantage in PvP.


Not every player is going to reach, or even aims at the "High End PvP" you speak off, that's true, and at the same time the nature of how things go in this game. Nevertheless it does not change the fact that game should be kept clean of 3rd party tools on all levels of play, players are not equal in skill... And especially when we talking about the META.


For the sake of comparison lets take, Two players of equal skill and consider an scenario where they are equally geared etc. An player who is able to automate part of hes task in battle have clear advantage, and having more resource (time focus) to out maneuver the other player, who in comparison has to spend his time trying to spam pots and skills, a battle that he cannot win vs Pot Loader. Also consider for example same two players fighting with same skills etc, the automate pot will always win vs normal pot spam / macro, because of reasons state above. ( Point 1 )


Lastly, comparing macros and skill play to the use of 3rd party tools as you did is just wrong, sorry to say but that misses the aim of this topic, which is illegal software.


A simple reuse time on CP pot would fix this, that's all, that is if there exists no better solution.


My humble opinion.

Didn't read anything below number one. Why? Because this is lineage, not wow and call of duty. Deal with it.

Deleting CP potions because some players use clickers/mouse macros... you should make your own server and do whatever shit you think is necessary there. This will not even be considered by the Administration of the project, because it is fraud (this is retail), imbalanced, and plain stupid if those two weren't enough. Good luck to you in wonderland.

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This is not nothing like retail tbh, there is tons of changes done to the game on private servers, I don't want to bring up the list, because you know yourself its going to be a long list of custom changes, that do affect gameplay. ( Rates, Oly, Sieges, Bufers )


I'm just suggesting, this is suggestion forum, I can understand if people are not fan of removal of CP pots that's fine, and I understand that. What I cannot understand is...


In the light of all custom changes that has been done to private servers versus the "official" representation of Chronicle in question, allowing people to exploit with 3rd party tools is ridiculous.


A simple 1 - 3 second reuse timer on the pot itself would fix this issue, make it 1 even that's enough to stop the program etc.


Also in my personal opinion out side of context, CP pot spam is just pointless waste of resource and time in this game, if there was no CP pots it would be the same lol, and no exploit, fair game.

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This is not nothing like retail tbh, there is tons of changes done to the game on private servers, I don't want to bring up the list, because you know yourself its going to be a long list of custom changes, that do affect gameplay. ( Rates, Oly, Sieges, Bufers )


I'm just suggesting, this is suggestion forum, I can understand if people are not fan of removal of CP pots that's fine, and I understand that. What I cannot understand is...


In the light of all custom changes that has been done to private servers versus the "official" representation of Chronicle in question, allowing people to exploit with 3rd party tools is ridiculous.


A simple 1 - 3 second reuse timer on the pot itself would fix this issue, make it 1 even that's enough to stop the program etc.


Also in my personal opinion out side of context, CP pot spam is just pointless waste of resource and time in this game, if there was no CP pots it would be the same lol, and no exploit, fair game.

Well sorry for being a bit rough around the edges, but this thread as I stated already is ridiculous, that being said - I reacted to it accordingly.


Mate, I'm from the Russian part of the community (even though I live in the EU) and I can very much tell you that I have seen it all. Be it 100 level 1 bots on a location, trying to pick up your drop, guys with auto-assist/anti-back/anti-aggro full 9/9+10 off party bots for assists and all the way down to just regular CP/HP/QHP/Elix's spams. And I'll tell you this - there isn't a program out there, that does not have a option for intervals. So your reuse time would not help at all (speaking of which, the reuse time on GF is pretty much one second already, because the pot restores more than the old basic).


And CP pots are not pointless in any way, there are classes out there that profit from them more than others. For instance the Dagger classes, they can kite/control others, meanwhile limiting damage only to CP + 10-15% of HP (that they regenerate with HP potions meanwhile). And should be obvious, that while kiting, they burst damage for instance 4-5k, get hit for 2-3k, wait it out to regenerate from the potions and come back full cp/hp in some seconds to they other prof that cannot regenerate that 4-5k in the same amount of time.


Lineage is a skill/farm till you drop based game, you cant have one without the other and changing any details in global balance like this is suicide for the balance of the game (even though in most opinions, the game does not have any balance whatsoever).


I think that from this explanation, you will understand why I'm against the idea with both hands and a little more.

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CP pots definitely needs an increased cooldown. In these days 3-4/10 people are using a clicker or macro (by keyboard/mouse software) to spam those CP pots. If we want really high quality pvp/mpvp increasing CP pot cooldown is a way to go.

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CP pots definitely needs an increased cooldown. In these days 3-4/10 people are using a clicker or macro (by keyboard/mouse software) to spam those CP pots. If we want really high quality pvp/mpvp increasing CP pot cooldown is a way to go.


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Wow, he added the burst nuke info that he took from me and called it imbalance... that is... rather pathetic, don't you think?

You didn't even consider it before reading what I had to say about it, why add it now? I'm pretty sure that you have no "balance" goals whatsoever, and that you are looking for a way to profit out of this (probably a heavy-nuker/restore such as Tyr/Glad/Bers/Over/Tank player). If I guessed the last part right, than you are disgusting.

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Wow, he added the burst nuke info that he took from me and called it imbalance... that is... rather pathetic, don't you think?

You didn't even consider it before reading what I had to say about it, why add it now? I'm pretty sure that you have no "balance" goals whatsoever, and that you are looking for a way to profit out of this (probably a heavy-nuker/restore such as Tyr/Glad/Bers/Over/Tank player). If I guessed the last part right, than you are disgusting.


CP Pots definitely needs increased cooldown, I believe you know it by yourself. But how much we can't know, because as you said, CP pot spam is different between classes and it balances differently.

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CP Pots definitely needs increased cooldown, I believe you know it by yourself. But how much we can't know, because as you said, CP pot spam is different between classes and it balances differently.

You haven't even played on the OBT (cause, well, its not open yet, duh) and you already make accusations based ON NOTHING. "CP NEEDS TO BE FIXED! CP NEEDS TO BE NERFED! CP NEEDS TO HAVE A BIGGER COOLDOWN! DELETE CP!"


For fucks sake, how the hell would you know? Are you a time traveler? Psychic? And if you are talking about "official cp cooldown time", then guess what, this isn't Asterios, this isn't a Java. Shit here is as close to "real lineage" as much as possible (without interfering with server needs and miscellaneous stuff).

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I have played enough of GF PTS files servers like RPG-CLUB. And in every single one CP pot clickers were an issue. So please... Leave the hate to yourself. I wound't be surprised that you are the one of those who will use clicker/macro to gain advatange. Peace.

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I have played enough of GF PTS files servers like RPG-CLUB. And in every single one CP pot clickers were an issue. So please... Leave the hate to yourself. I wound't be surprised that you are the one of those who will use clicker/macro to gain advatange. Peace.

Hate? Not worthy of it dude, a bit egocentric? And I wouldn't be surprised if you will start crying about RI, PvP bonus damage, debuff chances and spoil/drop in a few days after the beta opens. Oh, and trust me, this is what "peace" with me looks like.


P.s. skill, reflex time, knowledge, ping and luck are also advantages as far as I'm concerned, gonna worry about all that too?

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