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Autoloot - To be or not to be.

What do you think about autoloot?  

179 пользователей проголосовало

  1. 1. What do you think about autoloot?

    • Yes, I need it and also a possibility to turn it off.
    • No, I don't need it. The loot must be dropped in a regular way.

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like current donation list is not p2w enough

the server must do profit for owners, so i thinks its good choice to get autoloot for donation, unless vitality items or something other that boosting rates ingame.

it make grind easier for people, but they will pay for that. Autloot is lesser evil then runes/vitality/premium etc.

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the server must do profit for owners, so i thinks its good choice to get autoloot for donation, unless vitality items or something other that boosting rates ingame.

it make grind easier for people, but they will pay for that. Autloot is lesser evil then runes/vitality/premium etc.

I am not again vitality/premium account or runes.. I am against all list together. There is too much. Vitality items must be removed. Exp runes are more than enough. Top B items (if there are on the list) must be removed too. Top B gun = free sub = free fast nobless = party with nobles vs party w/o nobless = P2W.


The donation list needs some fixes. Remove SA cry/B items (at least top b if they are there), shots and vitality items. And here you go.

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Hmmm, I don't think parties that can win barakiel PVP will have real trouble to get a nobless weapon anyway.^^

The problem with autoloot is that it helps only range parties. That's why it's not fair, even on donation.

I might be mistaken but everything else in the donation list will help whoever buys it. No matter his class (except the dualswords craft stamp maybe).


If they remove all useful items from donation, how are they suppose to make money to keep the project up? :D

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если бы тут норм ботцов банили, тогда автолут можно было бы запилить, но мне тут говорят что на этот сервер решили сильно не зверствовать и ботов особо не трогать - в этом случае с автолутом ботам будет вообще каеф играть :D особенно на йопе

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I am totally against autoloot, it must be turned OFF. I am playing L2 from year 2005, more or less from Chronicle I, and I am playing for MAGE, but however, I do not need it. There is no need to hurry, WHY? If you want to hurry, you can go to play on some x5000 High rate, there you will have autoloot, and everyone can hurry to have the best. But the game is not about hurry and speed, think about that!

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I am totally against autoloot, it must be turned OFF. I am playing L2 from year 2005, more or less from Chronicle I, and I am playing for MAGE, but however, I do not need it. There is no need to hurry, WHY? If you want to hurry, you can go to play on some x5000 High rate, there you will have autoloot, and everyone can hurry to have the best. But the game is not about hurry and speed, think about that!



I Agree with you but something to think about have the option of doing doesn't hurt people that have it off you have all the loot rights and 2ndly mashing F5 to pick up think every time is a bother and for some people like myself have family and kids and mashing a button can get annoying to them. just a thought it does help some people. and if you don't like i think you should have the option but i guarantee that if you have the option it would be on for you :). Gl and see you in game!!!

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I Agree with you but something to think about have the option of doing doesn't hurt people that have it off you have all the loot rights and 2ndly mashing F5 to pick up think every time is a bother and for some people like myself have family and kids and mashing a button can get annoying to them. just a thought it does help some people. and if you don't like i think you should have the option but i guarantee that if you have the option it would be on for you :). Gl and see you in game!!!

it can be added as option ,but for money, good move .

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I Agree with you but something to think about have the option of doing doesn't hurt people that have it off you have all the loot rights and 2ndly mashing F5 to pick up think every time is a bother and for some people like myself have family and kids and mashing a button can get annoying to them. just a thought it does help some people. and if you don't like i think you should have the option but i guarantee that if you have the option it would be on for you :). Gl and see you in game!!!


As you wrote, that you have your family, kids, etc. The same is on my site. But still I am against, cause it really unbalance the game. Honestly, I have been playing also on HR servers, where in LoA were standing Camaels and just shooting on mobs and turning around, can you imagine, how the autoloot unbalance the range and melee? Autoloot is unfair for melee, profitable for nukers and archers, this is my opinion...

But same for you all, good luck, HAVE FUN and see you in game!! :)

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