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гномы и так слегка сосут на старте изза сосок в гм шопе :(

Насколько мне известно, наличие в шопе сосок, расходников, есть на всех топовых проектах, включая ру.

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On every single server is donation like this.Why do you care about it so much?Anyway,why are you guys talking about PA?Because I dont see any premium acc in donation list,do u?

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On every single server is donation like this.Why do you care about it so much?Anyway,why are you guys talking about PA?Because I dont see any premium acc in donation list,do u?


PA = premium runes. There's only 1 difference - rune don't work for whole acc, only for single char.

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SA crystals and B/A/S shots in donations ruin so much things in gameplay , completly remove crafters off the map

shots are fine if they are untradeable.


SA crystals have to be deleted from list, there are people who tries to level up SA Crystals for adena. It will destroy their one of the ways to make adena.


Either Vitality items or PA must be removed too

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Donate shots are not tradeable,but vitality items and PA is part of almost every server.Dont forget guys,they need money to keep server alive and lets be honest,L2 in this days is just a business.....Offi server wasnt in past free to play and people payed for it and nodoy cares,so whats the difference?

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even if they are not tradable they harm warsmith class

not that much. RPG has same shjt and actually it help to have decent prices at the start for shots. I can remember those times when dvarfs sits with 300a for SSB

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shots are fine if they are untradeable.


SA crystals have to be deleted from list, there are people who tries to level up SA Crystals for adena. It will destroy their one of the ways to make adena.


Either Vitality items or PA must be removed too

i cant check it at e-global , but i remember ru off servers @ start, when shots in package was tradable so alot of donators selling it for adena = ez money = pay to win.

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