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PR-event "Gracia Final for everyone"

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

It's pretty balanced chronicle.

2. What do you expect from the new server?

To be stable, ddos and bot protected and nice gms

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

Rate x7 is perfect for GF and hopefully good community

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

Becouse of grate pvp fun and good balance.


2. What do you expect from the new server?

A lot of new players ;)


3. Why did you choose to join our project?

First lot of online players

Second server long vitality (i mean interlude x7 so i suppose that gf will live as long as interlude)

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

I have never been on Gracia Final server, but what I have seen in videos, fighters have cool skills (since interlude)... so I want to try it.

2. What do you expect from the new server?

Stability and big community.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

I have been on your interlude server and I was satisfied with it.

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

Because after these chronicle real Lineage finished.

2. What do you expect from the new server?

Good protection from bots and hopefully normal donation.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

Rate x7 is perfect for GF, and i want to have awesome pvp.

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

For me its the best chronicle, most balanced and enough expanded.

2. What do you expect from the new server?

I want to play on stable server, without bots and with balanced donation system.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

I saw nice online and good opinions of your server. Except it, its one of the few servers on Gracia Final.

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

I love the fallen angels.

2. What do you expect from the new server?

A large number of players and good fun.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

I had a long break , and I need to have fun



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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

  • Well I dont like it really ...but I like crowded low-rates

2. What do you expect from the new server?

  • To last for at least 3 months

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

  • Promissing new low rate server

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G0haN ;)


1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

B'coz is somethink new then interlude BUGs :D

2. What do you expect from the new server?

Much of fan PVP. Event making by ADMIN / GM sometimes . not leaving after donate xd

3 . Why did you choose to join our project?

Old zergs clan who i know and fight with them :D

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1. За что вы любите хроники Грация Финал?

-За относительно нормальный баланс, и еще то что-бы стать "топом" нужно не мало попотеть и не так быстро все как на других хрониках.

2. Что вы ждете от нового сервера?

-Фана новых знакомств и приятного время припровождения и общения и не 2 недели как на многих проектах которые сейчас открывают.

3. Почему вы выбрали именно наш проект?

-Случайно нашел - описание подходит под мои запросы.

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

Classic lineage 2 grinding, Few but awesome instances, Hellbound Grinding

2. What do you expect from the new server?

Decent players to have fun with.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

Its a well knows project that always brings players for a decent amount of time.

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

bcs on epilogue and other l2 is another game

2. What do you expect from the new server?

dedicated staff to avoid cheats duplicate and abused bugs

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

for the trailer was epic. and see many ppl on from coming there.

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

Because for me, Lineage 2 ended on this chronicle.

2. What do you expect from the new server?

Have fun and a lot of pvp.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

I see that the server is good publicity, I expect good server.

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

>1. Cause its the best chronicle for pvp, cause is not that simpe to gear up as previous chronicles (see interlude) cause new skills have been add and every class can play solo.

2. What do you expect from the new server?

>2. High online, many active clans, massive pvp-pve, balanced classes, long lifetime.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

>4. Cause its e-global, do we need more reasons? xD

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?

  • Best start for worriors and GW power

2. What do you expect from the new server?

  • Stable server, A high number of players online.

3. Why did you choose to join our project?

  • To have fun on good server and play with my clan mates

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1. Why do you like Gracia Final chronicles?


- It's one of few chronicles that I like :)


2. What do you expect from the new server?


- Stable server, good ddos and bot protection.


3. Why did you choose to join our project?


- I'm comming with my clan :)

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