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Kamaloka bug report

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I've entered kamaloka with my friends yesterday. Here is few things I am not sure that they work properly:

1. If you enter in kamaloka with a summoned pet, pet is anywhere but not in kamaloka. So you have to resummon it.

2. If you invite in a party a new party member after you entered kamaloka. The new party member can not entry kamaloka. The message is: only party leader can do this. But.. if party leader goes back to town and then enters again the member still stays in town.


Please check this out and let us know. :)

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Looks like you dont know how kamaloka works, you cannot add new members to party if you have netered kamaloka.

If your summon doesnt appear its realy bug, but it not happen everytime.

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1. it's okay.

Suppose that your sumon buff PP high level, and you will go to Kamaloka, then your sumon will be a high level buff?

Well mate using the logic how you explained pet situation, then you can't enter into kamaloka with your character either if you have "high level" buffs, right? Oh... But wait, didn't they disappear? Got it?

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Looks like you dont know how kamaloka works, you cannot add new members to party if you have netered kamaloka.

If your summon doesnt appear its realy bug, but it not happen everytime.

I said that I am not sure. :) Now I know, thanks.

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