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If you get caught scripting should be perma ban, but if that happens 50% of the server would be banned. Sucks that is what L2 has come too, handless russians watching their char like a movie

Yeah but you just need 2-3 parties to use it (and get away with it) and everybody will say "yes but they are using it, we need to use it as well to be able to win.".^^


Maybe the simpliest solution is just to update the security (as they often do) but just before mass-pvp.

It will be so fun do see aggro working, key target staying alive, no perma rush, no auto-pony etc :D

New way of playing^^

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So are Vermilion, xside, roa, enheit, winter... Every big russian clan is using script bot dude.

Even small clan have bot party on the side.

I never denied that. But amount of bots/scripters has League clan is over the top :)

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ofc you english can donate in euros, but only russian guys will dominate here. no dominate for english. understand? you understand me english dumb??? i piss on you

Russian will dominate? Nice joke, russians can only spam bots and then when other people catch up to the lvls and gear you kids get smashed, happens on every single L2 server, ever. Deal with it, you kids can only bot and zerg early on a server to have an advantage but once its fair and square, rage quits starts happening. mass quantity and zero quality.


Not to say most of the ''russian pros'' are just rage quitters and server hoppers. Can already tell there's going to be a massive russian exodus once siege/oly starts or when some other server opens and you go bot there to be ''strong'' vs legit players for a week before you rage quit again. XD

X7 Gracia KillingYouSoftly - Cardinal

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https://yo utu.be/UxabNybUwz0?t=51






юзать макрос на таргетинк или юзать основной скилл у слб мышкой:wtf::wtf:

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Yet u all crying about corruption and scripts. Every1 knows that e-global is the biggest corrupted server out there and yet u all comeback to play here and donate lots of money to them. G to the fukin G

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  • 3 недели спустя...
Russian will dominate? Nice joke, russians can only spam bots and then when other people catch up to the lvls and gear you kids get smashed, happens on every single L2 server, ever. Deal with it, you kids can only bot and zerg early on a server to have an advantage but once its fair and square, rage quits starts happening. mass quantity and zero quality.


Not to say most of the ''russian pros'' are just rage quitters and server hoppers. Can already tell there's going to be a massive russian exodus once siege/oly starts or when some other server opens and you go bot there to be ''strong'' vs legit players for a week before you rage quit again. XD

Actually, after playing a few months, Russians go join another server because you guys are mainly still farming bears in dion and being forum warriors (zero fun, one-sided swamped server and etc). I know loads of CP's that don't use anything of that sort, yet still get hate and "I met yo mama" pm's after every GvG. For instance, our bers - Smok, doesn't even know how to use any of the programs that were spoken of above. Still, after every pvp, every euro/us useless low skill/level cunt starts spamming that he has "auto-rush". At first we laughed about it a bit, but now I see that you guys are just that bad. If you get nailed at by a good player, you just start spamming nonsense about scripts and etc. That goes double for that weird low-clan Purplesomething-something, they 100% lose 9 vs 9, they lost a few 9 vs 18 and 9 vs 27 (or something like that, wasn't sure there were 3 full parties) and all they do is start spamming racist shit and random tardiness about scripts. My bishop (pl) saw a bish running to restore 4-th ketra, I shadow stepped and broke hes restore with ease (he had the cast of a dead gremlin) - what do I get? YES. exactly, a lot of pm's saying that I use radar, scripts and shit. You guys are just that bad compared to some parties that have played this game from the beginning. And what's with the glads in every melee const? High-Five boys? Glads start killing on extreme late on these chronicles and with your pvp/pve skills you guys aren't even going to get there without the help of the only two sides on the server (league and xside), and guess what, one of them is 75% rus, the other one is 90-100% rus. What can you do with glads that damage my bishop for 2-4k blasters? I back your healers for 5-10k, and you can't even focus-kill one lazy bish that doesn't even want to ATT his armor :D

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