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Everyone saw them using script on a pvp movie, pretty much makes sense when fighting 9v18 or 9v27 when ur clan sucks a d and doesnt help.

This was zerker in melee party, whats up with mages? Or u r trying to make an excuse about autorush zerker while gettin rolled against mage party?

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So uve got no evidence and its just an excuse, aight I got this.

No evidence, they just know that) actually everyone does.

Plus there is a fraps in pub-off section with dog-appereance guy showing magic by playing w/o hands.

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Everyone saw them using script on a pvp movie, pretty much makes sense when fighting 9v18 or 9v27 when ur clan sucks a d and doesnt help.

This was zerker in melee party, whats up with mages? Or u r trying to make an excuse about autorush zerker while gettin rolled against mage party?

I guess u didn't notice their slh getting jailed for scripting aswell right?

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Or its you who didnt notice u died in 30sec against party without sb?

@qRt Im just posting facts and arguments, these boys are 1 party clan who sucks dick at every epic but kills partys with epic jewels in 30secs, when they were called scripters - they won tournament with l2eglobal staff watching how they play via teamviewer and thats the fact. Yes mas9 is a clown, but dblhbka is doing a great job.

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Or its you who didnt notice u died in 30sec against party without sb?

@qRt Im just posting facts and arguments, these boys are 1 party clan who sucks dick at every epic but kills partys with epic jewels in 30secs, when they were called scripters - they won tournament with l2eglobal staff watching how they play via teamviewer and thats the fact. Yes mas9 is a clown, but dblhbka is doing a great job.


So because that happened once or twice they're legit now and "kill others with epics in 30 sec" ?


I call bs, their slh interrupts any ress/mass ress INSTANTLY but i'm not making excuses, all i'm saying is they're not as legit as u think

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Once again, you dont see the facts or u are just pretending not to see facts. U got rolled against party without sb who is using scripts as u say. I believe theres not better proof than than killing u 8v9 or 9v9 if you would like to call that a grade trickster as 9th member and posting fraps after. And no I didnt call them legit players, I just asked u to post some evidence them using script against u or atleast against ome one else as mage party.

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Once again, you dont see the facts or u are just pretending not to see facts. U got rolled against party without sb who is using scripts as u say. I believe theres not better proof than than killing u 8v9 or 9v9 if you would like to call that a grade trickster as 9th member and posting fraps after. And no I didnt call them legit players, I just asked u to post some evidence them using script against u or atleast against ome one else as mage party.


Yes i call 30 secs of Pranah equal to a 9th member because when i nuke them for 300 dmg for 30 sec cuz of oop buffs that is even better than having their shitty slh and sadly i have no evidence for scripts

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не твоем языке не доходит, быть может до тебя дойдёт по русски? сейчас дойдём до ручки, буду писать по китайски

мейн слб гм рум > рерол твинко арба, так что профитнее прана или скрипты? что твоя пати выберает, каким образом умерать?

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Yes i call 30 secs of Pranah equal to a 9th member because when i nuke them for 300 dmg for 30 sec cuz of oop buffs that is even better than having their shitty slh and sadly i have no evidence for scripts

U just answered yourself why u are trash party. When 30 sec prahanah which can be kited easily is better than sb who is interruping skills,stealing buffs and making rest of pt members spam their buffs and lose mana hahaha,im not even mentioning a grade trickster against s grade sb. :xD:Absolutely the same feeling when silvers in csgo/lol/dota are looking for excuses and blaming teammates for holding them on sivler rank:peka:

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party is staying at tree spot and u are coming to them but for some reason u are saying about u getting ganked, dont u feel that every "excuse argument" u are trying to mention - u are getting 10 facts in ur face after and u have to jump for another exucse lmao. I toguht u were done after i fucked u right here with my facts against your subjective opinion. Face it and accept it, you can play a lot of hours,but when you meet the same party(or 8 man party ahaha) u are just 30sec material.

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