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Implement GE/H5 mail system - YES/NO ?

Implement GE/H5 mail system ?  

111 пользователей проголосовало

  1. 1. Implement GE/H5 mail system ?

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Regarding the information in this thread ("перейти по URL") Admin team might be able to implement GE/H5 mail system into the game, where we could send items through it. Apache Ant suggested we create the poll topic to see, if ppl would like that or not. Since noone did so for 2 days now, im taking this on myself, cause i would rly love that, so i want to get that on the way.


Simple poll, do u want GE/H5 mail system implemented: YES or NO?



Original link: "перейти по URL"




The Mail System has been added in order to strengthen the player community and to increase the convenience of item trade. Through the Mail System, messages as well as items can be easily sent to other players.


There are two types of mail: Regular and Payment Request.


  • Regular mail allows players to send a message to other players with or without an attached item. Once the mail is sent, it can be checked by the recipient from the mail icon that appears on their screen. The cost for this type of mail is assumed by the player sending the mail.
  • Payment Request (also known as C.O.D) mail contains an attached item, and in order to retrieve the item the recipient needs to return the requested amount of Adena to the sender.

Sending Mail


  • You can access your mailbox by clicking the mail icon at the top of the system menu (Alt + X) or by typing /mailbox in your chat window.
  • A maximum of 8 items can be attached to each message and postage will increase depending on the weight of the attached items.
  • Sending and receiving mail is only available in a peace zone.
  • Mail will arrive at the recipient after 30 seconds.
  • Sent mail can be cancelled if the recipient has not yet opened the mail, if the mail has yet to be delivered, or if an attached item has not been claimed.
  • You must click on the Mail Type dropdown box in order to send COD mail.
  • The COD sender will receive the requested amount of adena directly in their inventory once the recipient hits the pay button. This happens almost instantly.

Receiving Mail


  • The mail icon will appear when you have new mail and you can click this icon to check your newly received mail. The mail icon appears just above your chat window.
  • An attached item cannot be claimed when you do not have enough available inventory slots or when receiving those items would cause your weight gauge to exceed 100%. Clicking on the pay button will allow you to claim the item sent to you. Once you click this button, the corresponding amount of adena disappears from your inventory.

Returning and Deleting Mail

  • Regular mail without an attached item cannot be returned. This type of mail can only be received or deleted. You must open the mail first before it can be deleted.
  • Mail with an attached item can be returned or received, but it cannot be deleted.
  • Unchecked mail will automatically be returned after 15 days. Please note that mail without an attached item will be automatically deleted, not returned.
  • Unchecked returned mail will be automatically deleted and the item will be transferred to the private warehouse after 15 days. Payment Requests will be automatically returned if not accepted within 12 hours.


  • The freight system has been replaced by the new Mail system. Items that were stored in freight will be automatically placed into your personal warehouse during the update to Gracia Epilogue. If there are overflow items, players will need to remove items from their warehouse in order to access these additional items.

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You mean - modification of client?

in epilogue+ when you open skill table, there is "enchat skill" in the bottom of the table which allow players to enchant skills without NPC.



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in epilogue+ when you open skill table, there is "enchat skill" in the bottom of the table which allow players to enchant skills without NPC.




Got you!

Will talk to the dev department.

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yesss that would be great, and puttin Holy pomander for healer classes would be great too.

Lets not get carried away, mail system is just for better game experience and doesnt directly affect the game (even tho one could argue that trading via emal might), but introducing Holy Pomander on this chronicle would drastically change gameplay of supports and SE's power would skyrocket :P

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L2 OFF ???????????? are u serius? afther 1m playing there u will start to edit thinks?

I'm really don't understand you. Could you provide more info related to your problem?

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