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We do not cover anyone :huh: Rules are the same for all

Please provide a number of ticket in PM


Shame on You. You said after 3rd jail all ppl will be banned, not jailed. Keltaa CP are jailed 10 or 15th times and ALWAYS they are free after 20 minutes. U know why? BECAUSE ONE CP WILL LEAVE IF U WON'T UNBAN THEM FOR BOTTING. Where are your fuckin rules? U got thousands of fraps and still without any effects. It's sad they are covered by one little pussy who played with them on another server. "Rules are the same for all" - random will get jail 48 hours, League - 30 minutes. Stop talking bullshits coz this server is the same like in averia. That's why League are playin only on russian servers. Coz only here they are protected by gm's.

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Shame on You. You said after 3rd jail all ppl will be banned, not jailed. Keltaa CP are jailed 10 or 15th times and ALWAYS they are free after 20 minutes. U know why? BECAUSE ONE CP WILL LEAVE IF U WON'T UNBAN THEM FOR BOTTING. Where are your fuckin rules? U got thousands of fraps and still without any effects. It's sad they are covered by one little pussy who played with them on another server. "Rules are the same for all" - random will get jail 48 hours, League - 30 minutes. Stop talking bullshits coz this server is the same like in averia. That's why League are playin only on russian servers. Coz only here they are protected by gm's.

About what kind of protection are you talking about? Thay were banned like other players. Did you wrote tickets about this? Can you give a number? We couldn't ban characters on forum, so please ("перейти по URL")

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Can we just stop using the word banned? I don't think it means what you think it means. Just use the word appropriate for the punishment botters are receiving, which is "jailed". Otherwise it's very hard to follow what's going on, when you speak about bans for botting/scripting and it's only a jail. Thanks.

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