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Hey guys, I want to ask if is here able to heal my self by sacrifice when I'll get it to +power. I'm not sure if it's able at this chronicle...because of these web sites. -> "перейти по URL"

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Its possible, but pretty hard, i tried it on beta and i had to have like 2 of zaken/antharas/orfen and like +20 cost ench and dyna set to heal yourself for like 500-600 so it is some meaningfull number ... on this chronicle its affected by Mattack as well, so emp or mage weapon helps quite a bit too ... but yeah, its no h5 sacrifice, thats for sure :)

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Its possible, but pretty hard, i tried it on beta and i had to have like 2 of zaken/antharas/orfen and like +20 cost ench and dyna set to heal yourself for like 500-600 so it is some meaningfull number ... on this chronicle its affected by Mattack as well, so emp or mage weapon helps quite a bit too ... but yeah, its no h5 sacrifice, thats for sure :)


check 5:07

gracia final retail

tod debuff -30% heal effect

so what is he doing wrong here? enchated sacrifice by power route instead of cost probably?

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check 5:07

gracia final retail

tod debuff -30% heal effect

so what is he doing wrong here? enchated sacrifice by power route instead of cost probably?

heh these look like h5 heals not gf heals :D i cant make up if he used TOL or not, but that would be my guess ... also TOD might not have gone through, cause he heals for pretty much the same for next 2 mins (while TOL might be up). He also uses a mage weapon if i can see it correctly and like i said Mattak affects heal here pretty considerably, has dyna set for +% heals (if he has MW set, it gives more +% heals too), most likely two earrings as well ... btw i tested enchant on power and cost and cost was better in the long run. There r also couple talismans, that increase heal power, activ and passive, he didnt use any i think, but the passive gives like 50 or 100, so it adds up.

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check 5:07

gracia final retail

tod debuff -30% heal effect

so what is he doing wrong here? enchated sacrifice by power route instead of cost probably?

erm u sure this is officals? cuz when i played with dlm it was a female char....

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