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people can kill raids (and get the loot) which are stuck on place and don't retaliate in any form while npcs are restarting.

what is this? why is this being allowed? how does this new form of balance work?


EDIT: (translation to spanish):

se pueden matar raids (y quedarse el drop) que quedan tildados y no responden los ataques cuando estan reiniciando los npc.

Que es esto? por qué está siendo permitido? como funciona esta nueva forma de balanceo?

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where screens, proof etc. if u doing drama, do it well

here is your drama:


link in case you can't see the pic


In this scene of the play, you can see a bunch of noobs hitting the RB from the back, from memorable times, the back is the weak spot. From the other side, you can see the stupid minions standing guard for us to kill its boss. When you look to the left, you can see the stupid people stats with full life and talking rubbish about being banned if they killed this RB.


Of course we couldn't kill it because we are freaking lvl 1 with no buffs and no frenzy. when we reached half, all mobs disappeared for a while and reappeared a while later. the boss was still with half its life but they were responsive so we couldn't attack it anymore.


Then we thought about the server having a month and ppl with vesper and the whole pack.


Was this drama good enough for you?





Acá esta tu drama:



En esta escena podes ver un monton de noobs pegando al RB desde atras, desde tiempos memorables, la espalda es el punto debil. Desde el otro lado podes ver los estupidos minion cuidandonos mientras matamos a su jefe. Cuando miras a la izquierda, podes ver los stats de esos estupidos con toda la vida y hablando basura sobre la posibilidad de ser baneados cuando maten al RB.


Por supuesto que no pudimos matarlo porque somos lvl 1 sin buffs y sin frenzy. Cuando llegamos a la mitad, todos los mobs desaparecieron por un rato y un rato despues reaparecieron. El jefe todavia tenia la mitad de la vida pero ya respondia entonces no podiamos atacarlo mas.


Luego pensamos en el server teniendo un mes y con gente teniendo vesper y todo el paquete.

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Let me clarify:

Yesterday the NPCS resetted half and hour before my post. the reset lasted like 20 minutes. in that time, ALL NPCS WERE STUCK (some moved around but didn't retaliate against attacks). Even the corpses stood in the ground. And they dropped whatever they drop when you kill them. As you can see in the picture, we, low lvl non-prepared dudes, joking around, could almost kill this RB.

This is a grave issue that should be posted in the technical issues forum but I dind't because it's obvious something that all clans know and are using this bug.


People can kill stationary raid bosses!!


PS: Can't post the picture directly. Use the link "перейти по URL".


I have one or two pictures taken from whatsapp from the others perspective...

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Hi, i was there with marbleveins. Look the picture. The raid boss, and the boss's fighters are not fighting back. For 20 minutes they dont fight back. The mobs we kill drop, and give expe but dont fight back. Sorry my bad English. i think this is a serius problem, not drama.

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  • 2 недели спустя...
Can you move this to the technical problems section? Cause nobody seems to care

Our specialist will recheck it, but like I said - bosses adjusted according to the official chronicles.

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Our specialist will recheck it, but like I said - bosses adjusted according to the official chronicles.

You are saying that in the official chronicles, in the official server, you could kill stationary raid bosses?

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