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is cool many popl will blame me for thsi post. but wath i dont like is this server change rules so easy. we shold know about 50 badges for Nobles since 1st Day in server. many ppl figth pk/pvp farm farm farm expend time and adena for make him self nobles and now they can take it in 1 tw.

in my opinion thinks like that have to be voted in forum for 1 week at last. jsut saying.

sorry for my bad english.

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yes we are angry too, entire CP nobles (500*9 shards + many other things + barakiel) and that people will make one TW and they will be nobles ...

now you can give baium ring to grocery ... It is the same thing ...

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" Nooble will cost 100 next month "

Sory guys that was only made for GM 's Pets Lague to take noble easy.. Next mouth will be all ok.

This is a common event, nothing more.

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It does not create severe problems with balance right, isn't it?)

Nooble will cost 100 next month

it is not balanced all ppl who get castle in 1st tw and farm figthing for flags get badges now all of them for sure are nobles. im talking xside. so now only ppl who kil catapults or get lucky in tw get 50. so it dotn make any balance.

any way the bad think is not the edit. is ok i want to edit i edit. no 1 ask in forum, no 1 make 1 vote about that. i joing there bcs this server say. they will be l2off will off files. now u gusy change ruls so easy.

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I'm sorry, made a mistake. Next TW it will cost 70 badges.

We do not change the rules, it's just an event


You changed the rules, w/o any notification and any inform before.

[uSER=8214]@Fede[/uSER], it's not unbalance. If you think is it unbalance, so all servers are unbalance. The problem is that now every1 will have noblesses, not only ppl who farmed it (toi rbs, mms, making subs, barakiel etc). You should think about that kind of "event" after 1st hero. It's disgraceful for every nobless ppl before that tw. Next time think first before you will commit such unbalance "event" like this.

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