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Recent events and Admins's/Staff's stance towards the server community

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tl;dr QQ more QQ :)


First of all i want to encourage ppl to be respectful here (even if u gonna make angry posts, my post is an agry post as well), so we can have a civil discussion about it and i would like an official response from admins/staff to what i am about to write next.


The disregard of the non-russian speaking community on this server is staggering and increases every day and with every "event" the staff introduces, this doesnt feel like an international server which u advertised and like to call it as such so much. Also transparency of information is almost non-existant most of the time and ppl have to pry it out from forum mod(s??) by "constant spam" (questions) that are mostly unanswered, answered vaguely or after several days or the discussion is locked, cause they cant take the critique or dont want to bother moderating the discussion. All of this and more is what made me create this post and i hope it will lead to make things better for all of us.


1) Bonus Start: arguably unfair towards ppl who started here from the day one, but i can understand why u made the "event" and i took part in it with some of my characters and i like/liked it a lot. Didnt rly impact server community in a bad way i dont think, brought new ppl, let old ppl make buff pets or alt chars etc, pretty good thing. BUT the transparency of information was SO bad. I get u wanted to keep some things a surprise, like whats in the lvl76 box, but "keeping" information about how long will the event last or how it will affect certain chars/ppl in certain situations for several days was NOT ok.


2) Dark Ivasion: this one is what spiked my disgust with how u, staff, do things around here. Info only in russian, eng info added 12 (!!!) hours later (after the event was over). The thing, that ingame announcements were also in eng, was a very small bandage, since most ppl didnt have a clue about whats goin on even like half an hour into the event and only russian CPs were rdy to farm the mobs and RBs from the start. Another thing is the choice of the locations and what was goin on during the event. Force-flaggin ppl so top clans can have "fun" and use mage bubble on randoms and kill everyone and get RBs (with higher drop chances) for themselves or f*** up ketra lvl5 ally for some ppl is not a good way to make an event. Its rly a sad thing, when person who wouldnt participate in the event would ended up with more (read didnt lose anything), then person who actually tried to participate. VERY SAD. Another thing is the drop from RBs, i agree its very minor issue, but since this was Stage 1 im dreading what comes next. So far just "some" S weapons and top A weapons (well Siras blade goes into vesper duals so basically s84 weapon, but w/e :p). Im not sure if the nature of the event and what was happening was done on purpose or whoever created and ran the event didnt realize this (im pretty sure he did, but lets give him benefit of doubt) ... only ppl/clans that already have "everything" got/will get more, cause no randoms can get those drops and those vita herbs will be used again only by top CPs that rly dont need it, only to farm SP for enchant, cause randoms will die with it or wont be able to utilize it, so "rich get richer" kind of thing. The last thing about this "event", i think i got from the russian topic (through google translate) that this even should be a weekly thing happening on weekends at the regular time? If so, no info about this in eng topic ... again.


3) Halloween is here: another event, where info about it is only in russian and when i ask about eng info i get the "comming soon" response we all know and "love". Srsly, this is not your first project, mby your first "international" project (dont rly know), but not your first lineage 2 project. If u want to call this server international and not russian, act like it. Its 2016, dont tell me u cant hire a person to translate your texts into english and release them at the same time as the info in russian if u are unable/unwilling to do it yourself or are u that greedy that u will not hire another person to do this? Also why do u work so hard to make your web so awesome, when u dont actually use it to its full potential, like creating a news posts on the main page about current events? Last news post is month old, not only it would benefit to the server community (mainly the english speaking part), but also for anyone who would look at your web and saw something is actually happenning so it might be worth thinking about joinning the server, not dead silence for a month :p


4) Nobless with TW: well this was such a punch bellow the belt i cant even begin to describe this. It might have seemed to you like a good idea "hey lets make more ppl nobless, so they can go oly and have fun", but what about all those ppl who friggin sweat blood and tears and did the Quests? (Yes, i was one of them, but i didnt think i would be hero or anything, im just bothered by the general injustice/unfairness, more so on "low rate" server) I thought u wanted to have a low rate long standing server, not trololo lololo server, where u change rules and call it "events" every week and not givin heads up about upcomming changes or only to selected (russian) community. If u would announce this "event" a week in advance, hell even a day, a lot of ppl would approach those territory wars differently. And on top of that, u did a stupid thing and u want to correct it by doing even more stupid thing? U want to increase the cost of nobless from TW for next TW to 70 badges? So ppl who didnt get it now, have to spend 20 more badges and will probably be kept one more TW from buying a TW earring and whoever got lucky this time will gain even more in the future, srsly i just cannot believe your thought processes behind the decissions u do lately. Not with how u advertised this server will look like or how u wanted it to look like. This is not the friendly low rate i was so excited about so much so i started playing again after several years of inactivity. I am VERY disapointed with how u do things lately and hope this looooooooooooooong post will help u think about it and mby start doing things differently. Thanks for reading <3


There are a lot more things that would deserve mentioning, but lets stick just to the "events" and how u approach the distribution of information among the non-russian community. Thanks and i hope to read your creative responses <3

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I apologize for the fact that we later put announcements in English. The topic was treated for a long time.

We will review your suggestions and next time we will work more quickly

There are always different points of view about events, many players will not agreed with you.

For us as for the administration important to create new emotions and fun for everyone. Cos of this we run a lot new events.:)

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So my post got deleted for mentioning a certain clan. Guess I was right after all.

you think about some kind of Conspiracy, when we just try to help people to earn nooble) We have always been an international community, which only supports fair play

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I apologize for the fact that we later put announcements in English. The topic was treated for a long time.

We will review your suggestions and next time we will work more quickly

There are always different points of view about events, many players will not agreed with you.

For us as for the administration important to create new emotions and fun for everyone. Cos of this we run a lot new events.:)

Thanks for taking at least some of what i said to heart ;-) Its a first step ... i hope.

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