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Black Friday - top sale night

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Black Friday


Dear players, the worldwide tendencies cannot ignore our project, especially when talking about the most interesting and positive traditions of today.


Black Friday - this is a unique time for the top, dynamic and large sales around the world. As for our Gracia Final x7 it would be a kind of unique event, because together with the new sales, store update and gorgeous Happy Weekend with the increased rates - this will be the event that cannot be missed!


On Friday 25.11. at 18:00 (gmt +1) in the Giran area npc Black Friday will be summoned. So you’ll have the opportunity to buy at the lowest prices a variety of goods for life, rest, leveling and for battles with evil monsters. Hurry to catch a sale, because this NPC will be available a few hours only.


Hurry up to get coupons on equipment, various assortments of Vitality Boost items including unique, Olympiad & Castle Boxes and more! Discounts up to 90%, only one night, do not miss your chance!


IMPORTANT: The number of items will be limited.


And that's not all!

At the same time with the NPC Black Friday appearance, the unique offers on purchasing of E-Coins and Runes, and on other unique items with a total discount of up to 60% will be opened for you at your Personal Cabinet!


In total you get a chance to save twice: both on account balance refilling, and in-game assortment purchasing! Unprecedented sale will work only a few hours: 20:00-06:00 GMT+3 (25-26.11.16).


After that there will be a server restart, and a new event Happy Weekend will start. You can find out more about it in the nearby topic.


Black Friday assortment proposed on your Control Panel

(Only in Personal Cabinet during "Black Friday", with one exception - "Box With E-Coins"):


Shadow accessories

Queen Ant's Ring (7 days) - 70 E-coins

Zaken's Earring (7 days) - 100 E-coins


Box with E-Coins I/II/III :

- Box with E-Coins I

Price during Black Friday - 150 E-coins balance on CP (15$)

Price after Black Friday end - 200 E-coins balance on CP.

220 (200+20) E-Coins, Coupon for Accessory, Discount E-Coupon, 1 Fame Coupon.

- Box with E-Coins II

Price during Black Friday - 375 E-coins balance on CP (37$)

Price after Black Friday end - 500 E-coins balance on CP.

600 (500+100) E-Coins, 1 Coupon for Accessory, 2 Discount E-Coupon,

3 Fame Coupon, 1 Purple-Maned Horse.

- Box with E-Coins III

Price during Black Friday - 750 balance on CP (75$)

Price after Black Friday end - 1000 balance on CP.

1300 (1000+300) E-Coins, 1 Coupon for Accessory, 3 Discount E-Coupon,

1 Gold-Maned Lion, 10 Fame Coupon


Ultimate Rune

Premium Rune (Forever) +30% + Bonus Rune +15% (12h) + Fame Rune (720h) + Crystal Rune (720h) + 5 Chocolate Cookie - 300 E-coins


Npc Black friday - in-game assortment

(the prices are mentioned with the discount):



New Boxes:

Olympiad Box - 12 E-coins

Castles Boxes - 10 E-coins


Vitality boost items

Chocolate Cookie - 10 E-coins

Chocolate Cookie (10) - 85 E-coins

Potion of Vitality Replenishing Box (5) - 12 E-coins

Potion of Energy Maintenance Box (5) - 15 E-coins

Birthday Cake Energy - 25 E-coins

Birthday Cake Box (5) - 150 E-coins



Scroll of CoV (1h) - 5 E-coins

Scroll of Magnus (1h) - 5 E-coins

Sweet Fruit Cocktail Box (10) - 5 E-coins

Fresh Fruit Cocktail Box (10) - 5 E-coins



Coupon of Novice C-Grade Weapon - 2 E-coins

Coupon of Novice C-Grade Armor Set - 2 E-coins

Coupon of Novice C-Grade Jewelry Set - 1 E-coins

Coupon of Novice B-Grade Weapon - 5 E-coins

Coupon of Novice B-Grade Armor Set - 10 E-coins

Coupon of Novice B-Grade Jewelry Set - 3 E-coins


Cloaks (all news) - 35 E-coins



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Are u gonna offer any more detailed info on whats gonna be in the store? Eq coupons? What grade? Oly+Castle chests? What is that? ... its looks like that this is gonna mess with the server economy ... again ... so mby some more transparent info would be nice ...

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Are u gonna offer any more detailed info on whats gonna be in the store? Eq coupons? What grade? Oly+Castle chests? What is that? ... its looks like that this is gonna mess with the server economy ... again ... so mby some more transparent info would be nice ...

Hello, kapi


Do not worry. Soon you will find all important information, before the start of Event ;)

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The E-coins have discount? how discount have to buy ecoins?

Dear Arthoryos,


"E-coins discount" means that you will be able to purchase E-coins cheaper (with the disscount).

So for example let consider the "Box with E-Coins I": on Black Friday you will be able to purchase "200+20" E-coins for 15 Euro (not 150 E-coins as before the Black Friday) ;)

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Birthday Cake Energy - 25 E-coins ( 25 x 5 =125)

Birthday Cake Box (5) - 150 E-coins

Dear Horo,


The matter is that the Birthday Cake Box is tradeble, thats why it's price is higher. Also Cakes in a Boxes can be kept for a long time, while a Birthday Cake Energy remains in characters inventory only 24 hours.

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Why do i get grade penalty wearing Rouge cloak from black friday npc? cloack is s80 and im 81...

Dear jamaiko,


It's only a visual bug and it will be fixed with the morning restart.

We are sorry for this inconvenience!

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Yes, we know about the problem with capcha, and try to done it by the next 2 hours.

The whole event "Black Friday" is extended to 6:00 PM (gtm+3). If you have any issue - visit the support center :)

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Dear jamaiko,


It's only a visual bug and it will be fixed with the morning restart.

We are sorry for this inconvenience!

Um it's not visual bug or smth, it nerfs stats so yeah r grade cloak is still r grade :D also when restart will happen ?
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CP seems to work, but there is no discount for boxes ( need 200 coins for smallest not 150). I made a donation equals discounted price just before captcha problem and now it is insufficient :( Any chances to get back discounted prices?

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Dear jamaiko,


It's only a visual bug and it will be fixed with the morning restart.

We are sorry for this inconvenience!

It is not only a visual bug as said before, it lowers the stats accordingly to the grade penalty. The cloak is obvously S84, since with lvl84 character i dont have penalty, but my friend who is 82 does. Or mby the visual bug that u were reffering to is actually with the cloak? that it isnt supposed to be S80, but S84? that would make sense, but it was not clear from your reply :p

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