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Discussion: NPC Buffer and everything about it

Buffs system on the new Interlude x25 server:  

90 пользователей проголосовало

  1. 1. Buffs system on the new Interlude x25 server:

    • Option proposed by the Administration (described in the first post)
    • Other option

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We suggest you to discuss in this topic the buffs system of new Interlude x25 server. If you have something to say just leave your suggestions and feedbacks here, we will see all your comments.


We offer such buffs system:

1068.jpg List of buffs available from NPC-buffer and Buff Book:

- 2nd profession buffs = free (after 75 level - 100.000 Adena)

- 3rd profession buffs = not available

- The duration of all buffs from NPC-buffer and Buff Book - 60 minutes


1085.jpg Duration of buffs from the characters:

- 2nd profession buffs = 60 minutes

- 3rd profession buffs = 20 minutes


etc_spell_books_blue_i00.png What is meant by the Buff Book? - This is the item with the help of which you can call a dialog box in which you can select the number of buffs that will be immediately applied to your character.

Buff Book has the following features:

- Can't be used by a character during a battle (while been attacking or attacked);

- Can't be used at the Grand Olympiad;

- Can't recover HP, MP, CP.


Move to the announcement of Interlude x25.

Move to the Interlude x25 server description (will be announced 23th December).

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I would like to see "NPC Buffer have all buffs, songs, dances second and third profession, resists(10.000.000 aden per 1 resist), WITHOUT summoners buffs, debuffs like malaria/cholera"

yes, with buff book. without buff book, retail how before eglobal )

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i adapt to everything,what do i recommend though,

all buffs d/s 1 hour (not protections/resists from 3rd classes)

cat-sera retail like

not malaria on the buffer

and make a proper anti buff system so your allies can spell on you (clan/pt members) and the randoms wont shit buff on you


that is my opinion and that's what i think is the best for everybody through my experience of interlude community i ve been playing for over 3 years in a row.

sincerely yours.

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I would like to see "NPC Buffer have all buffs, songs, dances second and third profession, resists(10.000.000 aden per 1 resist), WITHOUT summoners buffs, debuffs like malaria/cholera"

yes, with buff book. without buff book, retail how before eglobal )


Perfect :)

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etc_spell_books_blue_i00.png What is meant by the Buff Book? - This is the item with the help of which you can call a dialog box in which you can select the number of buffs that will be immediately applied to your character.

Buff Book has the following features:

- Can't be used by a character during a battle (while been attacking or attacked);

- Can't be used at the Grand Olympiad;

- Can't recover HP, MP, CP.

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2 varianta

1- kak na nanne x75 bilo s knigoi i full buffom.

2- variant kak na lowrate s dance/song po 2 minyti, t.k delaya d/s 5 minyt - eto = tomy chto v oknah y vseh bydyt bd, sws, i igrat' bydyt cheres 5 dd

nadeus' ti sdelaesh normal'niy server, s normal'noy sistemoy buffa, a ne to chto seichas, kogda eto 50% pvp + 50% lowrate = droch'

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keep old eglobal buffer w/o customs please you dont look from the randoms player eyes becouse in server is not only cps like 9/9 or more here you have and random players who dont wanna play with cps

LegenD NeVeR Die!


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LOL, make buffer with 3rd buffs either pls .. PPL dont have good computer to use many accounts. Why u decided w/o players opinions ??. And somewhere is vote and ppl want other option. So why dont u listen us ?? Its fckin mid rate. Its not low rate ..

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for me, the best option:

full buffs on npc/book 60 minutes - without resists, cat, seraphim, hotsprings

duration of buffs from the characters 60 minutes

anything, open a vote with a few options for most to decide.

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