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Many people (full clans) are no longer there so maybe will be nice to give some chances to new ones :))

and give back clan halls from inactiv clans again into auction :)


what do you think about this Gms ? :)

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Even tho i do agree it would be nice for new clans to be able to get CH, it wouldnt be completely fair to the current owners (even of inactive clans) to simply lose the CH by default, just cause they (or most of them) arent playing no more.


And how would u even characterize inactive clan? A clan where noone logged for a week, a month? What if ppl have their alt chars in there and r glad to use the CH, will they just have "tough luck" and lose the CH?


In absolute very least, if u do "take away" CH from any clan, u should put in the CL private warehouse/inventory the items from CWH and give them full refund of the adena they purchased the CH for. If they wont ever come back, it will not affect server in any way, but if they will, they would at least have some "fair" compensation.

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I saw some "retards" selling CHs for real money ... And i rly dont agree with that kind of policy ...


clan with 0 activity per week for example, give them back their bid and take CH ... EAsy

If you want clan with clan hall go and fing bigger clan :) its simple

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cry more, stupid dumb's. I think its not fair to give CH to other's clan's because clan is not active. Its like give equip+adena from inactive characters to active poor noobs. Not fair play, if u will do it, admins.

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