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You need to think some new way to attract more ppl to server, becouse each day -100 ppl drop online.

We are working on it. New events will start on 24th of December. Just wait for new Christmas fun :)

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24th seems late for holiday event. That is asking people to play on a day that most l2 players are busy, now that many have kids. In my opinion the event should have been 20th through 30th incase some had plans. Just my opinion of course and hope it doesn't offend anyone.

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This server is dead anyway... no event will rescue it, especially not this one, on which all people cluelessly trying to kill turkey.

No rewards, no nothing. Ure basically waiting many hours for spawn of npc, which you will not understand anyway. No1 is winning lol...

Even 50%xp event would be better than this.

But whatever, staff doesnt care anyway, people knows it, leaving, look at the population.

R.I.P GF 7x

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This server is dead anyway... no event will rescue it, especially not this one, on which all people cluelessly trying to kill turkey.

No rewards, no nothing. Ure basically waiting many hours for spawn of npc, which you will not understand anyway. No1 is winning lol...

Even 50%xp event would be better than this.

But whatever, staff doesnt care anyway, people knows it, leaving, look at the population.

R.I.P GF 7x

http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/happy-holidays.12593/ here you could see all rewards. This is nice classical christmas event.

What would you like to propose?

Make event for all the people not just donators all u care about is money ,make event with christmas trees and all

You don't need to donate to participate in this events o_O

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http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/happy-holidays.12593/ here you could see all rewards. This is nice classical christmas event.

What would you like to propose?


You don't need to donate to participate in this events o_O


I am just saying that this event makes us wait for npc spawn with 4 hours window... it is xmass day ffs, who would possibly want to sit here all day to wait for a few spawns. Or you planning to run this for a week ? I dont think so...

Basically, there will be few lucky boys, who are sitting here all day, who will recieve something and thats it. But that is absolutely nothing, not rewarding for community, just for few nolifers.



Give us exp bonus for a week.

Give us cakes.

Give us enchants.

Give us stones.

Give us something for free as a reward that we are still here.


To the ultimate discounts : We have seen this NPC already, where is something new, special to 24. december ? Why this npcs selling stuff just for donated coins ?


To be honest, I have donated, for rune and some accesories. And I begin to regret that, cuz I did not support a server which would take care of players well, as I originally thought. It seems that I have supported pure money makers, whos creating servers every 4 months, just to make money... and do not give a damn about what is going on server.


I play here since OBT. I see what is happening to the community. Give us, something "touchable", equal to Xmass, which is ONCE a year, or the core will leave too for sure, very soon.

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yes iam telling them it for 2 months but noone listen to me only deleting my post on forum ...

i think only thing what can keep this server alive is update it ... - many old people will come back becuase they will have to do something .... but all day less people events like black friday and this XmaSs event are mostly for donators


- registration on 7x doesnt work

-server need pvp events like tvt etc..

-maybe swich olympiad to 14 days instead of 1 month with 1/2 rewards

-give people for example 5 coins for voting on sites (1 for 24 hours) - make some topic on FB for like 1 coin for share 3 coins and so on :) this can safe this server ....

-this events like invasion was very good i think but - less mobs (lags)- less rewards ( fundation S guns and that reward from boss) are too insane

-we want vitality - exp bonuses (more exp from that event mobs) for example stones/crystals but not full guns and this ... higest reward can be 16 stage crystals or something like that but only for best lucker on server ...


- hide and seeks event or some question event can be too - reward little things like 2 GCM - 10 GC , crystals, BEWS .. .... no full guns

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Yes, many players asked for discounts that were in the black Friday, so we made it on christmas holidays.

In addition to this, there are other game events, which I have indicated above.

We can't make pvp/oly game events on holidays. It isn't a time for fighting, it's time for fun :) After the end of this christmas period - there will be new interesting events.

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I think the overall take on the server is that players need rewards for logging in and being active in the community and ingame. There also needs to be a growth curve for the casuals to get to endgame which will keep them feeling relevant and not like fodder to those who can hit 85.

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