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OBT Interlude x25 today! Start at 18:00 (CET / GMT +1)

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Open Beta Test!

of Interlude x25 server - 2 January 2017

at 18:00 (CET / GMT +1)


All characters will be removed after OBT ends.

Grand Opening - 7 January, 2017


Dear players! Today (2 January) going to be opened Interlude x25 test server.

At 18:00 (CET / GMT +1) anyone could login and join the server testing.

Download OBT patch | Create Account



  • All accounts which was registered during OBT will be available to use on regular server from the Grand Opening. Also we want to note, that you can use Master Accounts that you have registered earlier (if you have played on E-Global servers before).
  • If you will found any bug/vulrnable/etc please contact us at special thread at the forum and let us know all details - OBT: Bugs and defects.

Changes during OBT:

  • All character will be created at Giran Castle Town.
  • All character will have an Adena and E-Coins in their inventory.
  • Olympiad Games is running constantly. Hero period - everyday at 22:00 (CET / GMT +1)
  • E-Beta Shop will be placed at Giran Castle Town, where you can buy necessary items and set the level of your character.

UPDATE 02.01.2017 - 18:20 (CET)

Dear players! Due to the technical reasons from the SmartGuard side our OBT IL x25 server will start a bit later.

A resolving of this issue will take around 1+ hour.

We are sorry for the caused inconveniences and we will keep you posted.




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are u about to publish link to download L2 Interlude client link? or we have to get it somewhere else?

Download IL Client (E-Global x7) - RAR

Download IL Client (E-Global x7) - Torrent


1. Download IL x7 Client

2. Install patch OBT x25 in x7 client

3. Run l2.exe

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UPDATE 02.01.2017 - 18:20 (CET)

Dear players! Due to the technical reasons our OBT IL x25 server will start a bit later.

A resolving of this issue will take around 1+ hour.

We are sorry for the caused inconveniences and we will keep you posted.

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Dear Players! The First OBT day ended successfully. A lot of players come to test the server, even on early January.

I want to assure that all server errors will be corrected as soon as possible. We look forward to receive your responses.


The main questions about server concept:

1) The way how to get C and B grade items in game;

2) The server monetization, donation;

3) Drop and spoil rates (the introduction of the correct Drop / Spoil patch to the client);

4) etc ...


Please leave your comments in the appropriate section: http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/obt-bugs-and-defects.13239/page-2#post-63129.


The first minutes after OBT start:






[spoiler=A short list of fixes]

1. A price correction in GM shops

2. Dance and Songs were added to E-Books section

3. Way to upgrade E-Book has been changed

4. The problem with enchant scrolls has been fixed

5. Crystals (all grades) and skill books were added to OBT shop

6. Tyrannosaurus stats were changed as well as their spawn points.

7. Reduced the number of members required to start fights at the Olympics on OBT

8. Soul\spirit shots, arrow (all grades) were added to the E-Store

9. Levels of some bosses has been changed (for easier farm)

10. Some bonuses from + 6 sets has been corrected

11. Penalties has been fixed

12. Bug with Olympics registration has been fixed

13. Restriction on enchant level at the Olympics during to OBT time

14. Forbidden to use Cake at the Olympics



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Dear players!

OBT server is off. At this moment we are making last small and major changes. The list of changes and new files are going to be publish tomorrow in pre-start thread.


Please pay attention. Grand Opening is going to be on 7 January at 18:00 (CET / GMT +1).

Download patch and Create Master Account

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obt off,new patch not ready

Dear players,


All new files (patch, updater and client) going to be available for downloading asap (during next hour).

Stay tuned!



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