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E-BOOK buffs for pets for summoners

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Im Elemental summoner and i have big problem...i can take buffs for horses only in town. There is no buufs in E-book for them and summoners buffs are 2 weak compare to buffs from E-book. Can you make buffs for pets in E-book? Summoners cant farm good with own buffs for pet like others can. Even bishop, ee can farm better with full buffs,songs,dance with skills for undead. And put songs and dances for kat and horse...Summoners are not to strong classes...bishop,ee,se can easy use skills and teleport pets in other dimension. So i think its fair that summons pets have same buffs like others...Imagine i go deep in Fog, Loa or other places and my pet because of time disapeir and when i summon it i dont have buffs for them in book like others do...so i need to go to town to take pets full buff...no party will run around again so deep just for your pet...so noone will like summoners in pt or will take them just for assist buff...i like to play summoners active not just to drop 1 buff for eternety and just watch others have fun.


So put in e-book buffs,songs,dances for summoners pets or that classes will be just bots in this game. Thanks

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Hello, Kirk


Unfortunately, Baffs and songs for pets will not be introduced because of server concept. You could read this thread http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/interlude-mid-rate-x25-is-back-january-7.11568/ - for more information.

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So on this servers summoners will be just bots. This way you kill game play and 3 chars of summoners. They are with this way so much underpower vs all...then just put summoners buffs in book because no one will play them with this "concept" they cant even exp good like others...i kill 1 mob and spoiler next to me kill 4-5 of them...imagine that exping and fustration when you watch him .. :/

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