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Bonus task: Win TS server!

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Win 1 of 4 TeamSpeakc82da825254e4d9188f329f112b7e78c.png servers for 120 slots!

You are the 7dab7fdd48c748789376efd5f5eef927.pngLeader of the Clan or Lineage 2 community and you are going to start on our High Five x5, but you need some way to communicate? Awesome, TeamSpeak server for 120 slots is exactly what you need!

E-Global in association with TeamSpeak prepared an event that will be very useful for small (in scale of High Five chronicle) clan or community.


To participate in our event you will need to follow few simple steps:

1. Create a thread into

2. Make a topic and make it look "nice" (whatever you think nice is);

3. Add some screenshots\movies\arts of your clan\community so everyone can see, how good you are!

4. Send
to the Administrator with a link on your thread and your clan crest;

5. Call your community to join the forum! Let's get acquainted ;)


26 April we will make a random pick and giveaway 4 TeamSpeak server license for 120 slots between Clan Leaders who followed all instructions.


PS: "TeamSpeak server" includes hosting of the license. All you need is just login, create channels and invite your people.

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Dear friends!


4 TeamSpeak licenses for 120 slots + hosting found their owners!

They were the following clans of the community:


We congratulate the winners and wish them success in the worlds of Aden and Elmore!

To the attention of the clan representatives who received the evaluation. Please send a Private Message to the Administrator for further instructions. Please use subject of the personal message as "Clan_Name - TS server".


Thanks and good luck!

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