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Grand Opening - April 28 , 19:00 (CET / GMT +1)

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Grand Opening - 28 April, 19:00 (CET / GMT +1)


Dear Players!

Grand Opening is going to be at 19:00 +/- 10 min (CET / GTM +1).

We remind that before the start you need to update the client through the updater!

Friends, please read the information below carefully!

checkbox_full.png Master Account Registration:

Attention! A Master Account system is working on our servers: game account is registered INSIDE a Master Account (link). If you have already registered one - just log in, switch to High Five x5 server (link) and create new Game Account on it (link).

401185d098bc4a4ca5a4810739f19a1c.png Files:

Server description:

Description of PA and Runes:

Donate shop and Services:

How to use Control Panel?

Got a question? Contact Support Team!

Answers to tickets and the deadline for their decision must comply with the following standards (if the requirements were not met, you are entitled to write a complaint that will be considered as soon as possible (private messages)).

  • Regular ticket - an answer within 24 hours (depending on the load on the Support Team);
  • Ticket for parsing of logs - an answer within 24 hours, parsing of logs up to 4 days (depending on the load on the Support Team);
  • Ticket with donation issue - within 2-4 hours;
  • Ticket with bot report - in the shortest term.

E-global Team wishes you a good start! ;)

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